MC1496PG onsemi | Mouser
2025年3月15日 · MC1496PG onsemi Modulator / Demodulator Balanced Mod/DeMod datasheet, inventory, & pricing.
MC1496PG onsemi | 射频和无线 | DigiKey
来自 onsemi 的 MC1496PG – RF IC 调制器/解调器 FM 300MHz 14-PDIP。 DigiKey 提供数以百万计电子元器件的定价和供应信息。
MC1496PG Datasheet (PDF) - ON Semiconductor
MC1496PG Product details These devices were designed for use where the output voltage is a product of an input voltage (signal) and a switching function (carrier). Typical applications include suppressed carrier and amplitude modulation, synchronous detection, FM detection, phase detection, and chopper applications.
MC1496PG引脚图及功能_参数_RF模块、IC及配件芯片中文资 …
MC1496 平衡调制器/解调器**MC1496** 平衡调制器/解调器的输出电压是输入电压(信号)和切换功能(载体)的产品。 载体抑制:-65dB @ 0.5MHz,-50dB @ 10MHz 可调增益和信号处理 平衡输入和输出 共模抑制:-85dB 典型 工作温度范围:0 至 +70°C (**MC1496**),-40 to +125°C (**MC1496B**) 应用:抑制载体和振幅调制,同步检测,FM 检测,相位检测 **RS 产品代码** 463-640 MC1496DG 787-8715 MC1496BDG 787-8712 MC1496DR2G 787-8718 MC1496BDR2G …
The MC1496 has been characterized with a 60 mVrms sinewave carrier input signal. This level provides optimum carrier suppression at carrier frequencies in the vicinity of 500 kHz, and is …
硬件探索——模拟乘法器的综合应用设计实验 - CSDN博客
2022年5月22日 · 本文详细介绍了模拟乘法器MC1496的工作原理、内部结构以及在振幅调制、同步检波、混频和倍频等频率变换电路中的设计与仿真过程。 通过Multisim软件,演示了如何建立MC1496的电路模块,并对其性能进行了分析,包括AM与DSB调制的波形与频谱特征,以及倍频器的电路设计与输出波形验证。 实验结果表明MC1496在高频电路设计中具有广泛应用价值。 1.了解模拟 乘法器 (MC1496)的电路组成结构与工作原理。 2.掌握利用乘法器实现振幅调制、 …
MC1496PG,MC1496PG pdf,MC1496PG中文资料,MC1496PG引脚图,MC1496PG …
MC1496, MC1496B Balanced Modulators/ Demodulators These devices were designed for use where the output voltage is a product of an input voltage (signal) and a switching function (carrier). Typical applications include suppressed carrier and amplitude modulation, synchronous detection, FM detection, phase detection, and chopper applications.
onsemi | MC1496PG - Datasheet PDF & Tech Specs
onsemi's MC1496PG is a balanced mod/dmod 300mhz 14-pin pdip tube. in the rf ics, rf modulators/demodulators category. Check part details, parametric & specs and download pdf datasheet from datasheets.com, a global distributor of electronics components.
MC1496PG pdf, MC1496PG 功能描述, MC1496PG 数据表, MC1496PG …
部件名: MC1496PG. 功能描述: Balanced Modulators/Demodulators. 文件大小: 329.29 Kbytes. 制造商: ON Semiconductor.
MC1496PG Datasheet, PDF - Alldatasheet
Description: BALANCED MODULATORS/DEMODULATORS. 2 Results. Datasheet: 329Kb/14P. Manufacturer: ON Semiconductor.
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