MC34063AL-D08-T_UTC (友顺)_MC34063AL-D08-T中文资料_PDF …
The MC34063A Series is a monolithic control circuit containing the primary functions required for DC−to−DC converters. These devices consist of an internal temperature compensated …
MC34063A 数据表、产品信息和支持 | 德州仪器 TI.com.cn
TI 的 MC34063A 是一款 工作温度范围为 0°C 至 70°C 的 1.5A 升压、降压、反相开关稳压器。 查找参数、订购和质量信息.
2020年6月25日 · MC34063是一款集Boost变换器、BUCK变换器、电源反向器于一身的电源芯片,该芯片在实际应用当中很广泛,不仅由于自身独有的特点,同时也因为价格不是很高,因此 …
The MC34063A/E series is a monolithic control circuit which delivers the main functions for DC-DC voltage converting. The device contains an internal temperature compensated reference, …
Low duty-cycle pulse testing is used to maintain junction temperature as close to ambient temperature as possible. In the non-Darlington configuration, if the output switch is driven into …
MC34063AL-D08-T Datasheet (PDF) - Unisonic Technologies
This device contains a temperature compensated band gap reference, a duty-cycle control oscillator, driver and high current output switch. It can be used for step down, step-up or …
UTC(Unisonic Tech) MC34063AL-D08-T - LCSC
MC34063AL-D08-T UTC(Unisonic Tech) $0.1106 - 1.25V~30V 3V~40V 1.5A DIP-8 DC-DC Converters ROHS datasheet, price, inventory C71110
MC34063AL-D08-T -PDF数据手册-参考资料-立创商城
立创商城提供 utc(友顺) 的 dc-dc电源芯片 mc34063al-d08-t 的pdf数据手册和参考资料,查看 mc34063al-d08-t 数据手册和购买 mc34063al-d08-t 上立创商城。
The UTC MC34063A is a monolithic regulator subsystem, intended for use as DC to DC converter. This device contains a temperature compensated band gap reference, a duty-cycle …