IL-4Rα signalling in B cells and T cells play differential roles in ...
2023年1月4日 · We investigated the possible role of IL-4Rα in different adaptive cell types using conditional knockout and acute (low-calcemic analog of vitamin D (MC903)) or chronic (House Dust Mite and...
Cellular mechanisms and effects of IL-4 receptor blockade in ... - JCI
MC903-evoked skin inflammation has been shown to be associated with exaggerated thymic stromal lymphopoietin (TSLP) production during sensitization , which makes basophils more responsive to IgE-mediated stimulation, suggesting this mechanism may play a role in …
CD4+ T cells play an essential role in chronic MC903-induced skin ...
2022年7月5日 · Both CD4 + T cells and IL-33 are essential for chronic MC903-induced inflammations. MC903 skin inflammation model is one of well-characterized murine models of atopic dermatitis and driven by TSLP-mediated type 2 inflammation.
Eosinophils Determine Dermal Thickening and Water Loss in an MC903 …
2018年12月1日 · In our study, MC903-treated STAT6 –/– mice exhibited a drastic reduction in eosinophilic tissue infiltration, but no associated change in mast cell accumulation, which suggested that the STAT6 pathway is required for the recruitment of …
Modulation of Skin Inflammatory Responses by Aluminum Adjuvant
2023年2月8日 · FACS analysis of skin cells revealed that AS injection significantly enhanced the expression of Th2 cytokines (IL4 and IL13) from CD45 + SSC lo T cells in MC903-treated skin (Figure 5 a,b). In addition, qRT-PCR analysis showed that MC903-mediated induction of Il4 was further enhanced by AS injection but inhibited by MTX injection ( Figure 5 c).
《爱求索》之特应性皮炎机制与靶点概述及临床前小鼠模型介绍医 …
2023年9月8日 · mc903即卡泊三醇,是一种维生素d3的低钙类似物,广泛用于治疗银屑病。 研究发现,局部使用MC903可激发小鼠上皮角质细胞高表达TSLP,促进CD4+T细胞向Th2细胞分化及激活并释放炎症细胞因子,引起小鼠产生特应性皮炎表型。
We investigated the possible role of IL-4Rα in diferent adaptive cell types using conditional knockout and acute (low-calcemic analog of vitamin D (MC903)) or chronic (House Dust Mite and...
Diminished γδ T Cells during Murine Allergic Skin ... - PubMed
2024年7月15日 · Skin keratinocyte-derived IL-15 decreased dramatically in the MC903 model, while injection of IL-15 rescued DETC loss by promoting DETC proliferation and limiting apoptosis. Conditional deletion of IL-4Rα from keratinocytes using Il4rafl/fl K14-Cre mice showed an increase of DETCs, increased IL-15 production, and diminished skin inflammation ...
Regulation of T cell polarization using HIF1a stabilizer, Roxadustat …
AD presents with increased serum IgE levels and associated cytokines, IL4 and IL13. HIF1α, an oxygen dependent transcriptional activator involved in cellular metabolism plays a major role in regulating immune cell effector functions. HIF1α stabilization prevents Tfh13 polarization and inhibits IgE+ Germinal Center B (GCB) cells.
Here, we modified the MC903 treatment schedule and developed a chronic MC903- 29 induced skin inflammation model. Mice were sensitized with a high dose of MC903 and