McIntosh 50W-2 Vacuum Tube Amplifier
Home / McIntosh Legacy Products / McIntosh Legacy Amplifiers / 50W-2 50W-2 Vacuum Tube Amplifier LEGACY PRODUCT. Manufactured 1951 - 1955; 50 Watts x 1 Channel; Vacuum Tube; Print this page. Share . 50W-2 Vacuum Tube Amplifier. Downloads. User Documents; 50W-2 Owner's Manual (2.3 MB) About; Products; Inspiration Gallery; Automotive; Marine ...
McIntosh 50W-2 mono power amplifier - Rubli
McIntosh 50W-2 mono power amplifier (1951-1955) McIntosh’s first ‘Unity Coupled’ circuit was patented in 1949 and produced as the 50W-1 amplifier. Its high output power (50 watts from a pair of 6L6 tubes), wider bandwidth (20 Hz to 20,000Hz) and distortion of less than 1% were pretty impressive features for this time.
古董音響手記 (贈閱版): McIntosh 50W-2 後級放大器
McIntosh 50W-2是McIntosh於1951年推出的第二代期艦後級放大器,由Frank McIntosh和Gordon Gow 設計McIntosh 50W-2的基本上是McIntosh第一代期艦後級放大器McIntosh 50W-1的改良型。繼承McIntosh 50W-1的分體式電源設計和巨形Unity Coupled變壓器依然是McIntosh 50W-2最大賣點,McIntosh 50W-2現時 ...
The McINTOSH 50W-2 Amplifier consists of two basic units - supply and the 50W-2 amplifier. Each unit is enclosed in a chassis 8-1/8 by 6-3/4 by 5-1/4 inches. Both units may be mounted on a relay rack panel 7 by 19 inches. They may be secured to shelf or wall with type MB-2 brackets or may be made portable by use of the 634-50 covers.
McIntosh Legacy Amplifiers
2-Channel Vacuum Tube Amplifier LEGACY PRODUCT. Manufactured 2012 - 2015; 50th Anniversary Limited Edition (same version as the current production model but with a gold chassis) 75 Watts x 2 Channels, 150 Watts x 1 Channel
HIFIDIY论坛-古董胆机鉴赏 - Powered by Discuz!
2014年4月26日 · McIntosh 50W-1是McIntosh於1949年推出市場的初代期艦後級放大器,與第二代McIntosh 50W-2最分別是附有偏壓控制,另外多一支高壓Delay管而Warm up時間也比較長,感覺上動態起伏和自然度比第二代McIntosh 50W-2還要略勝一籌!
McIntosh 50W2 - Audio Classics
50W-2. Vacuum Tube Amplifier. Manufactured 1951 - 1955 50 Watts x 1 Channel Vacuum Tube Complement Rectifier: (2) 5U4 Preamplifier: 12AX7 Phase Inverter: 12AX7 Driver: (2) 6J5 Output: (2) 6L6G/1614
McIntosh 50W-2 Amplifier - Audiokarma Home Audio Stereo …
2024年3月9日 · Good news: it passes signal! Bad news: it rides on a monster 120hz hum. I'd expect that once you get it rebuilt it will sound as good as anything anyone ever made. Find another (they do turn up) and build a sweet early 1950s stereo. Not sure the original WE designs from the 1920s, 30s, and 40s have ever been bested ... but sources, precisely.
McIntosh 50-W-2 | hifi-wiki.com
Manufacturer: McIntosh; Model: 50-W-2; Type: Mono tube power amplifier; Years of manufacture: 1951 - 1955; Made in: USA; Original price approx.: 1'050 DM; Technical data. Remarks . Other models in the same series: Preamplifier: McIntosh C 4; McIntosh C 8; McIntosh C 11; McIntosh C 22; Power Amplifier; McIntosh 20-W-2; McIntosh 50-W-2; McIntosh ...
MCINTOSH 50W2 - B MANUAL Pdf Download | ManualsLib
View and Download McIntosh 50W2 - B manual online. 50W2 - B amplifier pdf manual download. Also for: 50w-2.