2 Report of the case - Journal of Orthopaedic Science
2021年5月17日 · Few cases of chronic volar dislocation of the metacarpophalangeal joint (MCPJ) have been reported in the literature [1–3]. Here we report a case of chronic volar dislocation of …
An unusual presentation of metacarpophalangeal joint instability …
In thumb boutonniere deformity, there is a hyperflexion of the MCPJ and hyperextension of the IPJ caused by subluxation and withdrawal of the EPL tendon due to a dorsoradial capsule …
Benefits of Additional Procedures for Metacarpophalangeal ...
When considering additional procedures for MCP-1-joint hyperextension deformities, it should be recommended to fix the EPB-tendon on the radial aspect of the metacarpal head if a tendon …
Anatomy of the extensor mechanism of the thumb in relation to …
2019年9月16日 · Each DEE had well-defined radial and ulnar margins, which formed a triangular hood of fibres over the metacarpophalangeal joint (MCPJ). These radial and ulnar margins …
Management of the Metacarpophalangeal and ... - Hand Clinics
Using the EPB tendon as autograft to reconstruct the volar plate has been described with good results for thumb MP hyperextension in a posttraumatic military setting. 22 The EPB tendon …
MCP Joint Arthritis - Hand - Orthobullets
2024年10月2日 · Metacarpophalangeal (MCP) Joint arthritis typically presents with pain, swelling, and limited motion. Inflammatory etiology is much more common than osteoarthritis. in …
Radial Collateral Ligament Injuries of the Thumb …
2022年10月28日 · This subluxation is more likely in higher severity injuries that involve additional disruption of the dorsal capsule or the extensor pollicis brevis (EPB). Biomechanical studies …
•Extensor pollicis brevis (EPB) is in the 1st extensor compartment •EPB inserts at the dorsum of proximal phalanx and is the primary MCP extensor •Extensor pollicis Longus (EPL) crosses …
APL – strong muscle that abducts thumb and pulls MC radially. Opposes the powerful adductors of the thumb and limits dorso-radial collapse of MC and narrowing of 1st web space. EPL - not …
Ulnar Collateral Ligament Injuries of the Thumb
2014年12月30日 · The MCPJ of the thumb is immobilized postoperatively in a forearm-based thumb spica splint. The IP joint is left free to prevent adhesions of the EPL tendon. Recent …