MCPTT功能架构和信息流 - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
MCPTT(Mission Critical Push To Talk)服务支持多个用户之间的通信(比如对讲机),每个用户都可以通过仲裁方式获得访问权限。MCPTT服务还支持两个用户之间的私人通话。 MCPTT架构利用公共功能架构来支持任务关…
QoS Class Identifier - Wikipedia
QoS Class Identifier (QCI) is a mechanism used in 3GPP Long Term Evolution (LTE) networks to ensure carrier traffic is allocated appropriate Quality of Service (QoS). Different carrier traffic requires different QoS and therefore different QCI values. QCI value 9 is typically used for the default carrier of a UE/PDN for non privileged ...
ETSI 3GPP TS 22.179 version 15.2.0 Release 15 2 ETSI TS 122 179 V15.2.0 (2018-07) Intellectual Property Rights Essential patents IPRs essential or potentially essential to normative deliverables may have been declared to ETSI.
MCPTT is an international standard set by 3GPP that allows public safety agencies to leverage LTE networks for mission-critical communications. The measure includes high availability/reliability, low
Operator’s LTE network enables fast and cost-efficient deployment of national mission critical service. In order to realize mission critical application over LTE, there are three main drivers to be considered. Support from Operators & Governments.
MCPTT interworking for critical communications - Urgent Comms
2023年1月26日 · Data traffic over the network is marked with standardized QoS Class Identifier (QCI) values that provide preferential transmission during congestion in the core or radio access network on mission-critical LTE networks. The combination of network-integrated MC-PTT with MC-LTE forms the basis for most government PTToC deployments.
Mission Critical Push To Talk and EPS bearers - Blogger
2016年1月24日 · 23.179 specifies that UE connets to MCPTT specific APN in order to use MCPTT service. It is defined that SIP signaling uses QCI 69 bearer. Additionally HTTP is used for signaling. 23.179 defines also that QCI 8 or better is used for HTTP messaging.
4G | ShareTechnote
QCI stands for QoS Class Identifier. This is a special indentifier defining the quality of packet communication provided by LTE. The range of the class is from 1 to 9.
今天聊一聊这个国际通用的关键任务通信服务MCS - 知乎
MCPTT(Mission Critical Push-To-Talk)是针对需要实时、高可靠性、紧急通信的用户场景而设计的应用子集,提供一种基于 IP 网络的集群对讲服务,实现类似于模拟对讲机的功能。它不仅能够提供即时的语音通信服务,还支持紧急呼叫、呼叫组管理、会话保持、位置 ...
13.1.22 MCPTT / Attach / Call setup CO – TechSpec
NOTE 1: The assumptions for the PDN support of a MCPTT capable UE, including the default EPS bearer context QCI requirements in regard to the different PDN are described in TS 36.579-1 [59], subclause 5.4.1A.