MDS-1 - Wikipedia
Mission Demonstration Satellite 1 (MDS-1) or Tsubasa (COSPAR 2002-003A, SATCAT 27367) was a Japanese technology test mission. It was launched by the second H-2A on February 4, 2002 from the Tanegashima Space Center .
Myelodysplastic Syndrome (MDS): Symptoms, Diagnosis
Myelodysplastic syndrome (also called myelodysplasia or MDS) affects blood stem cells. People with MDS don’t have enough healthy blood cells. MDS can cause anemia, frequent infections and bleeding that won’t stop. Some people with MDS develop acute myeloid leukemia. MDS treatment focuses on keeping it from getting worse.
MDS的最低诊断标准见 表1。 其中血细胞减少的标准为:中性粒细胞绝对值<1.8×10 9 /L,血红蛋白<100 g/L,血小板计数<100×10 9 /L。 MDS诊断的确立需排除可能发展为MDS的前驱疾病,包括意义未明的特发性血细胞减少症(ICUS)、潜质未定的克隆性造血(CHIP)以及意义未明的克隆性血细胞减少症(CCUS)。 ICUS的诊断标准需持续(≥4个月)一系或多系血细胞减少,且排除MDS和其他已知可导致血细胞减少的原因;近年来的研究表明,MDS相关基因突变也可见 …
One-axis motorized micromanipulator is add-on type for Z-axis direction that is suitable for experiments in rodents. Ideal for precise control that requires careful work in mouse/rat brains, such as implanting GRIN lens, inserting optical fiber and silicon probe for multi-neuron recordings.
成茂科学NARISHIGE MDS-1 电动单轴显微操作器(用于固定装置)
成茂科学NARISHIGE MDS-1 电动单轴显微操作器(用于固定装置) 具有附加Z轴方向的单轴电动机械手,适用于啮齿动物实验。 它适用于需要仔细操作的任务,例如植入绿色镜片或光纤,以及使用硅探针进行多神经元记录。 由于它是使用电气控制进行远程操作,因此可以进行无法手动控制的速度和微小运动。 有两种设置方法:直接输入速度或输入距离和时间,可在 0.1 µm/s 至 2,500 µm/s 范围内设置。 此外,驱动装置可容纳直径为 ø3 至 8 mm 的轴。 *通过使用MD-DCE-7 ( …
Classification and Staging of Myelodysplastic Syndrome (MDS)
Once our doctors know the MDS subtype, we can select the most-effective treatment, decide when to start therapy, and predict the course of the disease. The WHO classification system was updated in 2016.
Syros Announces Topline Data from SELECT-MDS-1 Phase 3 Trial …
SELECT-MDS-1 is a multinational Phase 3 randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial evaluating the safety and efficacy of tamibarotene in combination with azacitidine compared to placebo and azacitidine in HR-MDS patients with RARA overexpression. The primary endpoint of the trial was the CR rate in the first 190 patients.
2003年8月27日 · mds-1は平成14年2月4日にh-iiaロケット試験機2号機で打ち上げられた。 静止衛星軌道約10年分に相当する厳しい放射線環境に耐え、衛星システム機器は故障なくミッション期間(1年間)を達成し、平成15年2月26日に定常段階を終了した。
MDS-110 SELECT-MDS-1 Trial in Progress: A Phase 3
2022年10月1日 · Context: A novel genomically defined subset of higher-risk myelodysplastic syndrome (HR-MDS) patients with an actionable target characterized by overexpression of RARA has been identified (McKeown 2017). Approximately 30% of HR-MDS patients are RARA-positive by a blood-based biomarker test (Vigil 2017).
Analysis of radiation effects in space for terrestrial solar cells on MDS-1
2024年7月3日 · Mission Demonstration-test Satellite No. 1, (MDS-1) launched in February 2002, has been flying in a geostationary transfer orbit (GTO), where the radiation environment is quite severe. We report the flight data for terrestrial solar cells …