LF-22 Starling | GTA Wiki | Fandom
The LF-22 Starling is a compact fighter plane closely based on the Messerschmitt Me 163 Komet, evident by the overall design, the rocket engine mounted in the rear and the propeller on the front that is most likely attached to an emergency generator similar to that used on its inspiration.
LF-22 Starling | GTA 5 Online Vehicle Stats, Price, How To Get - GTA …
2017年8月29日 · The design of the LF-22 Starling is based on a real life Messerschmitt Me 163 Komet. LF-22 Starling Top Speed: The actual top speed of the LF-22 Starling in GTA V is 187.75 mph (302.15 km/h) when it's fully upgraded, as it's been accurately tested in …
《GTA5》中有22种战机 它们的原型是哪些? - 哔哩哔哩
GTA LF-22 星椋(LF-22 Starling) 原型 - GTA载具之家 - gtaolcar.com
Messerschmitt Me 163 Komet是一款主要由德国飞机制造商梅塞施密特设计和生产的火箭动力拦截机,是历史上唯一一架投入使用的火箭动力战斗机,也是第一架水平飞行时速超过 1,000公里/小时(620英里/小时)的有人驾驶飞机。
LF-22 Starling: GTA Online's Take on a Feared German ... - autoevolution
2022年5月1日 · Instead, it's a rocket engine-powered small interceptor that draws its inspiration heavily from an entirely different era of air combat. That would, of course, be the Messerschmitt Me-163B Komet.
【GTA军用载具】LF-22星椋 - 3楼猫
2022年10月11日 · 为应对这一困境,德国空军急需一种价格低廉、可以大量生产的截击机,而梅塞施密特公司拿出的产品之一就是Me-163. Me-163本质上是一架装了火箭发动机的滑翔机,因此其机身使用了木质结构以减轻重量;木质机身还便于在金属材料短缺的现状下进行生产加工.
LF-22 Starling Appreciation Thread - Vehicles - GTAForums
2017年8月26日 · Crazy little flea based on the German Me-163 "Komet" interceptor from WWII. Ingame it is: -Single seat aircraft. -Costs $3,657,500 from Warstock. -Trade price is lowered to $2,750,000. -Comes with two wing-mounted machine guns standard. -Can equip bombs. -Same payload capacity as the rest of the larger planes.
2021年2月18日 · lf-22“星椋”原型:me-163. 该飞机的原型,诞生在二战期间的德国,属于一种空中拦截机,在当时还算得上一种先进的技术,那个时候它首次使用火箭推送式原理,该机型在1944年首次参与实战,在二战结束后,该飞机仅仅制造了91架。 p-45 诺克塔
LF-22 Starling from GTA Online - GTAall.com
2017年11月16日 · LF-22 Starling – a small plane, represented in GTA Online as part of the upgrade, "Smuggler`s Run". The Starling is a compact fighter, so cute flying gift box, similar in design to the Messerschmitt Me 163 Komet, at the same time a cruciform tail which resembles the model of the Messerschmitt Me 262.
GTA V Online | LF-22 Starling (Messerschmitt Me 163 'Komet ...
More facts about the LF-22 Starling: The LF-22 Starling is a compact fighter plane closely based on the Messerschmitt Me 163 Komet, evident by the overall de...