Messerschmitt Me 163 Komet - Wikipedia
The Messerschmitt Me 163 Komet is a rocket-powered interceptor aircraft primarily designed and produced by the German aircraft manufacturer Messerschmitt. It is the only operational rocket-powered fighter aircraft in history as well as the first piloted aircraft of any type to exceed 1,000 kilometres per hour (620 mph) in level flight.
Me 163戰鬥機 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
Me 163戰鬥機 是 德國 於 二次世界大戰 時唯一進入服役以液体 火箭 為動力的 攔截機,也是參戰各國當中唯一服役的例子。 Me 163的機身設計,在無動力狀態時,是一架無水平尾翼滑翔機。 機身粗短,在機頭有一個連接發電機的小螺旋槳,當它飛行時會被流過機身的氣流帶動而轉動從而產生提供全機的電力,包括为装备的两门MK108机炮供电(由于该机炮使用电击发原理)。 机身中段设置内外套管的大容量燃料罐,外管装载氧化剂(1550公斤过氧化氢水溶液)内管装载还原 …
Messerschmitt Me 163 Komet - Price, Specs, Photo Gallery, …
The Messerschmitt Me 163 Komet was designed by Alexander Lippisch and manufactured by Messerschmitt as a German interceptor aircraft intended for point-defence and the sole rocket-powered fighter aircraft ever operated.
Me 163戰鬥機 - 維基百科,自由的百科全書 - zh.wikipedia.org
Me 163戰鬥機 是 德國 於 二次世界大戰 時唯一進入服役以液體 火箭 為動力的 攔截機,也是參戰各國當中唯一服役的例子。 Me 163的機身設計,在無動力狀態時,是一架無水平尾翼滑翔機。 機身粗短,在機頭有一個連接發電機的小螺旋槳,當它飛行時會被流過機身的氣流帶動而轉動從而產生提供全機的電力,包括為裝備的兩門MK108機炮供電(由於該機炮使用電擊發原理)。 機身中段設置內外套管的大容量燃料罐,外管裝載氧化劑(1550公斤過氧化氫水溶液)內管裝載還原 …
Messerschmitt Me 163B Komet - Plane-Encyclopedia
2022年3月18日 · The Me 163 was notorious for having only a limited powered flight endurance of 7 minutes and 30 seconds before its fuel reserve was spent. The actual flight could be much longer, however, since at sufficient altitude, the pilot could switch off the engine, and reactivate it …
Messerschmitt Me 163B Komet - National Museum of the USAF
The German Me 163, a rocket-powered defensive fighter, was one of the most unusual aircraft of World War II. Fortunately, its potential impact was minimized by technical problems and the small number produced. The Me 163 was the end result of a long line of tailless research aircraft designed by Dr. Alexander Lippisch.
Messerschmitt Me 163B-1a Komet - National Air and Space Museum
One of the most remarkable of the Wunderwaffen (wonder weapons) produced by the Nazi Germany during World War II, the Messerschmitt Me 163 Komet holds the distinction of being the first and only tailless rocket-powered interceptor to see operational service.
Me 163 Komet Jet Fighter | World War II Database - WW2DB
A Me 163 jet fighter attempted to disrupt a B-17 raid on Mersburg, Germany but was instead pursued by Captain Arthur Jeffrey in a P-38 fighter. Jeffrey chased the Me 163 jet fighter to a very low altitude and confidently reported a victory, but post war records indicated that there was no Me 163 lost on this particular date.
Messerschmitt Me 163 Komet (Comet) - Military Factory
2023年10月3日 · Page details technical specifications, development, and operational history of the Messerschmitt Me 163 Komet (Comet) Single-Seat Rocket-Powered Interceptor Aircraft including pictures. The global defense reference actively compiled since 2003
Messerschmitt Me 163 'Komet' - Planes of Fame Air Museum
Planes of Fame Air Museum's Me-163 Komet is a replica of the world's first operational rocket powered fighter. This replica was built by George Lucas of Dunda, NY. View our aircraft collection and information about each aircraft.