He 280 V5 - Passed - War Thunder - Official Forum
2024年5月18日 · poll I would like to suggest the He 280 V5 which was propably the most used and best documented prototype of the He 280 V1-V12 and perhaps the best. It was armed with either 3x 15mm Mg 151/15 or 3x 20mm Mg 151/20 (All the pictures showing the armarment have 15mm guns installed, clearly visible by the strong bottleneck rounds in it. This will give it a good firerate with good ballsitics, usable ...
Messerschmitt Me 309 - Aircraft - War Thunder — official forum
2024年6月30日 · There could be a little discussion here about this aircraft, its not the point of getting the Me 309 into the game as only a few were made and actual performance would be problematic to simulate. Contrary to the majority opinion, the failure of the Me 309 was due to politics at Messerschmitt factory, and the inability of German industry to get a new aircraft into mass production. Had the ...
Announcing the Removal of the R2Y2 from Research
2025年2月3日 · It shows that the Ki-201 is physically larger than the Me 262, and a different shape. It is not just a copy of the Me 262. The comment you are replying to here shows this, the “blue outline” of the Ki-201 comes from official drawings, which include measurements of the plane. Now the plane is obviously inspired by the Me 262, this is obvious.
With the removal of the R2Y2 - Aircraft - War Thunder - Official …
2025年2月27日 · While the R2Y2 V2 to V3 variants may need to be removed from the game, there is room to retain the R2Y2 V1 for naval battles by removing its cannons and adding torpedoes. Alternatively, I propose replacing it entirely with the late-model R2Y1, which was historically reclassified from a reconnaissance aircraft to a torpedo bomber.
Me 163 fuel time - Aircraft - War Thunder - Official Forum
2025年2月15日 · Not long ago the me 163/ki-200 have got nerfed Fuel time It went from maximum 6 minutes to only 4 Which is maybe historically accurate I am not hear to discuss that. But the gameplay is changed for worse moving it in br or giving it an air spawn might solve this problem Specially the one in 8.7 you will find yourself in bigger maps that’s Will waste most of your fuel before you reach the ...
Germany air needs a premium 109 - War Thunder - Official Forum
2024年5月14日 · How about the Me 209, or Me 155? One was a (failed) 109 redesign, the other was a carrier adaptation based on a 109 G-1. The former has a very similar engine cowling to the 190 Ds, with longer wings and inboard-retracting gear and taller rudder.
Crash Dump Error? - War Thunder - Official Forum
2025年3月8日 · Crashes, Connection, Update Problems & Advice. Capt_Bunker March 8, 2025, 7:53pm . 1
Responding To Dev Server Feedback Regarding Turret Baskets
2025年3月7日 · Hey everyone! We’ve just finished looking over all of the feedback gathered during the dev server and wanted to address some of the points raised regarding the Abrams and Leopard turret basket and its effect on horizontal aiming. Why we’re introducing turret baskets First to the point of why we’re introducing the baskets to the horizontal aiming drives. From a gameplay and design ...
Strasbourg - Navy - War Thunder — official forum
2025年2月28日 · Don’t forget that the Raider Hunter event starts today, so get out there and play some naval matches if you want this ship. It should be one of the best the French get for a while. I, of course, used the Scharnhorst for the first stage, and …
Adding Structural Damage due to use of the cobra button for …
2025年3月2日 · With the latest dev server update, Gaijin has introduced the Cobra button, which is essentially an AoA limiter override for now. While it’s a cool addition, I think its current implementation isn’t very realistic. In real life, high-AoA maneuvers like the Cobra put extreme stress on an aircraft’s airframe and control surfaces, …