Zfighting in me 264 - War Thunder - Official Forum
2024年8月14日 · in the pilot room there is a zfighting problem
Me264 constant horizontal push down after leaking fuel
2023年9月26日 · In air realistic battle you can observe constant push down on the horizontal axis is roughly half second intervals in the virtual cockpit right after spawning. When your fuel tank gets damaged to the point that there is a leak this push down gets progressivly worse the more time passes, it max´s at roughly -2.5 y-degree/0.5s. This is best observed in the virtual cockpit view.
What are the true base bombing requirements in air RB?
2023年7月16日 · The document on Google Docs, the Enduring Confrontation wiki and the general formula of 0.75/1/1.25/1.5 x 500kg are all inaccurate to what bases in air RB require in terms of bombload to be destroyed. Does anyone know how to find out in the game files or something what exactly the requirements are? I also tried testing in custom battles but the bases there don’t have the same health as the ...
Instrument Landing System on Runways/Airfields - War Thunder
2023年12月22日 · The Me 264 has an in-game landing speed of 220 km/h. The difference is that, like one of the few German bombers, it has a nose landing gear, so if the landing speed is too low, it will start to fall on the back of the fuselage… I recommend practicing in a test flight and being careful with the landing flaps.
Put 190 A8-D9 to 4.7, make Tier IV FW-190 playable again
2023年7月18日 · Even without wearing a tin foil hat is is obvious that these small teams with 4 Ju 288s (sometimes a poor Ju 188 or Me 264 joins them) are fully intended by gaijin - just to support Ju 288 sales and pamper the usual low experience US/GB fighter pilot with improved chances to get easy kills (or just wins) by fighting mostly tankers in Ju 288s ...
Can anyone recommend me a squadron vehicle? - War Thunder
2025年3月3日 · I have just joined a squad (I wanted the Leopard) and I already put in about 30,000 XP into the squad Leopard. Is the Leopard too expensive for a new player or should I continue grinding it? Can anyone suggest me a good squadron vehicle for a rank III player?
[WIP] Me 262 B-1a/U1 - War Thunder - Official Forum
2024年8月23日 · Hello guys! I am pretty much new here. So yeah I am currently working on bringing the Me 262 B-1a/U1 to the game, at a later In the future I may work on some other aircrafts. I just wanted to share my current progress. Skin on the aircraft is Lifted from WT live and was made by @StrafeMike. I hope its not a problem as its currently just a placeholder.
B-29 and Tu-4 b.r - Realistic Battle - War Thunder — official forum
2024年5月22日 · As i’ve seen there was topic on apr 19 with similar discussion, so that is not only mine problem(It’s fun how developers ignoring it). Nearly ago researched b-29 on it’s 7.3 br and in first batttle met Saab-105g. Now let’s discuss pros and cons between b-29 and Saab-105g. Saab105g has: air spawn, air-to-ait missiles, 2 get engines, 2 30mm autocannons, first built in 1960’s. What b-29 ...
Optimal Climb Speed Charts (For Version
2024年4月12日 · Yes I am aware, but the data seems outdated (to what extent, I don’t know), and from what I understand he guess and checked every plane (something I will never have the patience to do) and it appears the data he gathered is slightly different than mine. (I would put more faith into his data, rather than mine). Also, I think it’s somewhat useful to know bomber’s optimal climb speeds, for ...
Please help me, I have a inquiry! - War Thunder
2025年2月27日 · I have the F4S phantom 2 premium and my friend has the mig-23ML, if we have the same kills and the same damage to bases, why does he have a higher score than me? Thanks to everyone and virtual greetings
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