Contract release and cancellation through ME35K
2010年5月12日 · You can try in the ME35K with the release code. Q2. Based on the contract i created a release order now i go ahead and cancel the release through ME35 and the system is allowing (Though the release order is not set for deletion)
Solved: SAP is not validating to release contract (ME35K) ... - SAP ...
2019年10月11日 · I have checked and the method single release is calling the transaction ME35K. whereas the same method on BUS2012 is calling the FM 'ME_RELEASE_PURCHASE_DOCUMENT' but the authority check is done inside this FM so I guess your user can access ME29N directly for the same PO.
ME32K修改合同与ME35K审批问题 - SAP R/3 - ITPUB论坛-专业 …
2010年9月9日 · 用户希望可以通过me32k修改已审批过的合同,但标准程序审批过的单必须使用me35k进行反审才能修改。 解决过程:
transactions codes relearted to contract - SAP Community
2008年3月21日 · RELEASE ORDER : ME35K. Explanation. Contract is where you have a contract with the vendor, may be for a predetermined quantity or predefined value. So every time you need the material, you need to make PO ref the …
ME35K SAP tcode for – Release Contract - TestingBrain
ME35K tcode in SAP MM (Purchasing in MM) module. This transaction code is used for Release Contract. Here is it details, technical data, menu path etc.
ME35K: Release Contract - SAP FREE Tutorials
ME35K is a standard SAP tcode used to perform Release Contract task in SAP ERP (or) S/4HANA system. The SAP tcode ME35K is available within SAP ECC, SAP S/4HANA On-premise and SAP S/4HANA Private Cloud systems depending on the version and release level. Available? The following is the list of SAP transaction codes related to ME35K.
ME35K SAP TCode - Release Contract - Tutorial Kart
The SAP TCode ME35K is used for the task: Release Contract. The TCode belongs to the ME package.
采购合同与计划协议 - EasySAP
2021年11月27日 · me35k 合同审批,审批配置和采购申请审批配置相同. 可通过顶部菜单中的项目-统计-审批文档中查看有哪些采购订单消耗了该合同的数量或价值. 计划协议: me31l 不用转po,可直接收货。 常用类型为lp/lpa. 先创建协议,再维护交货计划. me38 维护交货计划
SAP 《MM学习指南》操作记录---- 采购合同 - CSDN博客
本文详细介绍了在SAP系统中如何创建和管理采购合同(Contract)及释放订单(Release Order)。 通过ME31K创建合同,包括数量合同和价值合同的区别,并演示了使用ME21N参照合同创建释放订单的过程。 此外,还补充了收货(MIGO_GR)和发票验证(MIRO)的操作步骤。 Contract and Release Order(合同关系的采购订单) 为了降低采购成本、维护与供应商的长期合作关系、简化采购中间环节控制(例如反复的询价报价),企业可以与供应商签订长期采购合 …
SAP Contract Reassignment ME31K ME32K ME33K ME35K
This document provides instructions for reassigning an existing contract using transaction codes ME31K, ME32K, ME33K, or ME35K in SAP. It describes creating a new outline agreement in SAP to replace an existing one when a contractor has been assigned or has a new vendor ID number.