Converting Energy to Mass: Understanding the Relationship …
2023年9月4日 · Indeed, but if I directly convert 1672 MeV/c^2 using the fundamental charge: (1672 * 10^6 eV/c^2) * 1.609 J/eV, I get 2.68 * 10^-10 J/c^2. This is kilograms. Same wrong answer. I'm missing something here. I have to divide again by c^2 and I have no idea why.
MeV to Joules Units : How? 'In Electricity' - Physics Forums
2006年6月21日 · To go from MeV to J you multiply by 1.6E-13. To go the other way you just divide by that same number. Of course that's very specific. In general, it's more practical to simply remember the definition of the electron volt as 1.6E-19 J and go from there.
How Do You Calculate the Momentum of a Proton in MeV/c?
2010年10月9日 · The electron-volt, eV, is a unit of energy (1 eV = 1.602 10^-19 J, 1 MeV = 1.602 x 10^-13 J). Since the unit of momentum is an energy unit divided by a velocity unit, nuclear physicists usually specify momenta of nuclei in units of …
Understanding the Meaning of MeV/C²: A Beginner's Guide to …
2003年4月8日 · Yeah -- lots of times in particle physics we want to work in "natural" units where mass, momentum, and energy all the same units. Then you will see momentum expressed in units of "eV/c" and mass in units of "eV/c^2" (or MeV etc as the case may be.) eg 34 MeV/c^2 ~ 2e-13 J/c^2 ~ 2e-30 kg
200 MeV Energy: Potential and Destruction - Physics Forums
2013年5月20日 · I can shoot 200 MeV of energy into many things over a period of time without causing even the slightest damage. One 200 MeV electron hitting a beam pipe of an accelerator doesn't cause significant damage.
How Do You Convert Momentum from MeV/c to kg-m/s?
2004年2月21日 · Masses and energies expressed as MeV/c 2 are confusing, but manageable. But I seem to have a complete mental block over momentum as MeV/c. It's easy enough to look at a table & see that 1 MeV/c = 5.344 x 10 -22 kg-m/s, but could someone please walk me (or drag me ) through the derivation of that conversion?
Calculating Energy Released from Uranium Fission
2015年5月1日 · hey guys i have this question which says: On average the fission of a uranium 235 nucleus releases 200 MeV of energy. How many joules of energy will be released by the fission all the uranium 235 atoms in our fuel. my answer: (200*10^6)*1.6*10^-19 …
How Is Binding Energy Calculated for Lithium-6 Nuclei?
2011年11月26日 · Homework Statement How do I find the binding energy for the nuclei of Lithium 6. N=Z=3, atomic mass=6.015 u, binding energy per nucleon= 5.33 MeV The...
Monte Carlo Wang-Landau_antiferromagnetic perovskite
2023年8月28日 · H = - 2J 1 ∑ S i S j - 2J 2 ∑ S i S k - D ∑ S i2, where J 1 is the exchange constant between two spins of the same basal plane (0.83 meV), J 2 is the exchange constant between two different basal planes (- 0.58 meV), D is the anisotropic constant (0.165 meV) and the experimental T N = 139.5 K. This compound is an A-type Néel antiferromagnetic. Below, I share my Wang-Landau program to ...
How much Energy exacltly is an MeV? - Physics Forums
2009年9月16日 · The speed is expressed as a fraction of c, the speed of light, which acts as a "speed limit" for all massive particles. If an electron at rest (which already has some energy due to its mass) were to be given an additional 1 MeV of kinetic energy, it …