Mebibyte - Simple English Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
A mebibyte (a contraction of mega binary byte) is a unit of information or computer data storage, symbol MiB. 1 MiB = 2 20 bytes = 1,048,576 bytes = 1,024 kibibytes. The mebibyte is closely related to the megabyte (MB).
What is the difference between megabytes and mebibytes
A mebibyte (short for mega and binary) is the unit of data with IEC binary prefix Mebi. The unit symbol of Mebibyte is MiB. The unit MiB was defined by the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) in 1998. One mebibyte is equivalent to 1,048,576 bytes. And there are 0.95367431640625 MiB in one megabyte.
百萬位元組 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
[1] 但在信息技术领域中,尤其是表示主存储容量时,兆字节通常与mebibyte混淆,表示1,048,576(2 20 )个字节,常被简称为兆。 Mebibyte(缩写:MiB)是另一个类似的單位,使用二进制前缀,表示1,048,576(2 20 )字节,由国际电工委员会(IEC)于1998年制定。
KiB、MiB与KB、MB的区别 - CSDN博客
2018年5月16日 · MiB,全称“mebibyte”,是数字信息中的一个字节单位, 前缀“mebi”等于2^20,1 mebibyte等于1,048,576字节。“mebibyte”记作“MiB”,由国际电工委员会(IEC)于2000年制定。
What is mebibyte (MiB)? | Definition from TechTarget
A mebibyte (MiB) is a unit of measurement used in computer data storage. The prefix mebi comes from the binary system of data measurement that is based on powers of two. A mebibyte equals 2 20 or 1,048,576 bytes .
MiB(Mebibyte)和 MB(Megabyte) | 我的站点
2015年3月8日 · 上周五和同事讨论问题时,自己才知道不仅有MB(Megabyte),还有MiB(Mebibyte)。 说来惭愧,以前看到同事 ppt 提到 MiB ,还以为是笔误呢。 简单来讲, 1MiB 包含 1024^2 bytes ,自从 MiB 出现后, 1MB 更倾向于表示 1000^2 bytes 。
Differences between Megabyte and Mebibyte (MB vs MiB)
Both Megabyte (MB) and Mebibyte (MiB) are units of information or computer storage. But MB is used in two ways either as equivalent to 1000 Kb or 1024 Kb. This creates some sort of confusion.
“mebibyte”是数字信息中的一个字节数单位。 前缀“mebi”等于220,1 mebibyte等于1,048,576字节。 “mebibyte”记作“MiB”,由国际电工委员会(IEC)于1998年制定。
MEBIBYTE中文(简体)翻译:剑桥词典 - Cambridge Dictionary
What is Mebibytes (MiB)? – TecAdmin
2024年2月29日 · The use of the binary-based Mebibyte (MiB) unit is particularly prevalent in the fields of computer science, information technology, and data storage. It provides a more precise representation of digital storage capacities and is often used when dealing with binary calculations and addressing in computing systems.