内嗅皮层 - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
内嗅皮层可以进一步分为两个区域:内侧内嗅皮层(medial entorhinal cortex, MEC)和外侧内嗅皮层(lateral entorhinal cortex, LEC)。 在小鼠的脑中,MEC更多地接收来自枕叶、压后皮层、顶叶的输入,LEC更多地接收来自额叶、梨状皮层、脑岛皮层、嗅觉皮层(olfactory cortex ...
Lateral entorhinal cortex subpopulations represent ... - Nature
2024年1月25日 · Here, we show that mouse lateral entorhinal cortex (LEC) represents key experiential epochs during reward-based navigation tasks. We discover separate populations of neurons that...
Neuron:社交记忆调控的新环路机制 - 新浪看点
2022年5月22日 · 先前的研究发现,内侧内嗅皮层(medial entorhinal cortex, MEC)和外侧内嗅皮层(lateral entorhinal cortex, LEC)可以分别向海马传输空间和非空间记忆,但是目前关于海马依赖的社交记忆,MEC和LEC的作用和传递的信息人们还知之甚少。此外,虽然目前有一些模型阐述 …
A distinct entorhinal cortex to hippocampal CA1 direct circuit …
2017年3月6日 · In this study, we delineated detailed synaptic targets of direct MEC and LEC excitatory TA axons onto CA1 neurons in the dorsal hippocampus and their differential roles in the olfactory ...
Disentangling the Role of the MEC and LEC in the Processing
2017年10月26日 · We show that the MEC and LEC play different roles in the processing of spatial and non-spatial information. The MEC is necessary to the use of distal but not proximal landmarks during navigation and is crucial for path integration, in particular integration of linear movements.
Medial and Lateral Entorhinal Cortex Differentially Excite Deep …
2017年1月3日 · As our electrical stimulation experiments excited these axons non-specifically, we characterized LEC and MEC responses directly using an optogenetic strategy in which we injected a viral vector (AAV2/9) expressing ChR2-EYFP under control of the CaMKII promoter into either LEC or MEC.
Fan cells in lateral entorhinal cortex directly influence medial ...
2022年12月23日 · Here, we show that projections from LEC to MEC are mediated by axon collaterals of LEC fan cells. These projections are localised to L1 of MEC, and arise from neurons in LEC that receive synaptic input from piriform and prefrontal cortices.
Differential roles of medial/lateral entorhinal cortex in spatial ...
2025年1月1日 · Within EC, a functional dissociation has been proposed for medial (MEC) and lateral (LEC) subregions, whereby, MEC processes spatial information while LEC processes information about objects and their location in space.
Major Dissociation Between Medial and Lateral Entorhinal Input to ...
2005年6月17日 · Here we provide evidence for a major dissociation in spatial tuning along the orthogonal axis of the entorhinal cortex (i.e., between the LEC and the MEC). Multiple single units were recorded while rats foraged for a food reward in a square chamber with a single white cue card on the west wall (17).
内嗅皮质在阿尔茨海默病患者记忆损害发生和发展中的作用|阿尔茨 …
2021年6月29日 · lec和mec在不同的记忆类型中发挥作用。lec主要编码与单个物体相关的非空间信息,最近研究表明lec也参与了时间信息编译 ;而mec中的网格细胞则通过调整其结构分布和功能对动物当前的空间位置进行编码 。因此,mec主要参与处理空间信息。