Mechanostat - Wikipedia
The Mechanostat is a term describing the way in which mechanical loading influences bone structure by changing the mass (amount of bone) and architecture (its arrangement) to provide a structure that resists habitual loads with an economical amount of material.
The "Mechanostat Theory" of Frost and the OPG/RANKL/RANK …
There exists a mechanism that monitors bone metabolism (longitudinal growth, bone modeling, and remodeling activities) in relation to mechanical usage, the "mechanostat." Recent literature has presented new information regarding the physiological procedure …
Functional Adaptation of Bone: The Mechanostat and Beyond
2017年6月21日 · Understanding the mechanostat and mechanobiological regulatory factors involved in mechanosensation and desensitisation is essential for our ability to control bone mass based on physiological loading, either directly through different exercise regimens, or by manipulating bone cells in a targeted manner using tailored site and individual ...
【学术前沿】专家点评|邹卫国组鉴定解剖学沃夫法则的关键分子 …
2020年1月15日,Nature Communications在线发表了中科院生化与细胞研究所邹卫国教授题为“Mechanical sensing protein PIEZO1 regulates bone homeostasis via osteoblast-osteoclast crosstalk”的研究成果。 研究揭示了PIEZO1应对机械应力环境改变,调控成骨与破骨细胞稳态平衡的机制。 由于围绕PIEZO1机制和功能的研究佳作频出,厦门大学许韧教授对本文进行了深度点评并总结了近期的重要研究成果,以飨读者。 专家点评. 许韧(厦门大学医学院“闽江学者”特聘 …
邹卫国研究组发现解剖学Wolff法则关键分子 骨骼稳态调控研究取 …
2020年1月19日 · 明确提出力敏感离子通道蛋白-Piezo1是主要的Mechanostat分子。 此项研究为了解机械应力如何调节骨形成和骨吸收之间的平衡提供了新的思路,为废用骨质疏松症的治疗提供新的策略。
骨重建力学调控机制的分析 - 学术堂
2015年10月17日 · 骨的力学调控理论( Mechanostat)[2-4,12]认为,力学因素是骨重建的主要的控制因素,决定骨组织是否需要改变、改变部位和改变的方向( 骨量增加或减少) .骨量的增减取决于外力作用的幅度。
Bone's mechanostat: A 2003 update - Frost - 2003 - The …
2003年11月3日 · The mechanostat hypothesis predicts 32 things that occur, including the gross anatomical bone abnormalities in osteogenesis imperfecta; it distinguishes postnatal situations from baseline conditions at birth; it distinguishes bones that carry typical voluntary loads from bones that have other chief functions; and it distinguishes traumatic from ...
Bone's mechanostat: a 2003 update - PubMed
The still-evolving mechanostat hypothesis for bones inserts tissue-level realities into the former knowledge gap between bone's organ-level and cell-level realities. It concerns load-bearing bones in postnatal free-living bony vertebrates, physiologic bone …
Mechanostat-type effective density correction for Carter-Hayes …
19 小时之前 · Title: Mechanostat-type effective density correction for Carter-Hayes growth applied to topology optimization and its efficient interpolation for a target strain energy and volume fraction. Authors: Luis Irastorza-Valera, Ricardo Larraínzar …
Mechanobiological osteocyte feedback drives mechanostat regulation …
2019年5月13日 · In this paper, we present a comprehensive multiscale computational model of bone remodeling which incorporates biochemical osteocyte feedback. The mechanostat theory is quantitatively incorporated into the model using mechanical feedback to …