Medetomidine - Wikipedia
Medetomidine is a veterinary anesthetic drug with potent sedative effects and emerging illicit drug adulterant. [1] It is a racemic mixture of two stereoisomers, levomedetomidine and …
Warnings of new deadly chemical in street drug supply : NPR
2024年5月29日 · Public health officials say Mexican cartels and drug gangs inside the U.S. are mixing a dangerous chemical sedative called medetomidine into fentanyl and other drugs sold …
Medetomidine first appears in drug products in Chicago, IL, causing a large scale outbreak of overdoses and adverse events. Medetomidine is identified alongside fentanyl and xylazine, or …
You Think Tranq Is Bad? Meet Medetomidine
2024年5月22日 · An animal anesthetic related to – but worse than – xylazine (Tranq) is called medetomidine. It's starting to be detected in samples of illicit fentanyl. Just what we don't …
Medetomidine is a synthetic alpha-2 adrenoreceptor agonist sedative used in veterinary medicine. It is not approved for use in humans. In human medicine, medetomidine is most similar to …
Medetomidine (Domitor®) has recently been identified as an adulterant in illicit drug material. Since July 2022, it has been detected in several seized drug samples across the state of …
A dangerous new animal sedative is making its way into the illegal …
2024年6月7日 · Another powerful animal tranquilizer has made its way into street drugs, added to illicit fentanyl and other opioids to prolong a user’s high. The drug, called medetomidine, is …
Notes from the Field: Detection of Medetomidine Among …
2024年8月1日 · Medetomidine, a canine veterinary agent used for its anesthetic and analgesic properties, is an emerging adulterant detected in illicit drugs and drug paraphernalia.
Medetomidine is an emerging adulterant detected in illicit drugs; further investigation is important to better understand the clinical effects of medetomidine and other novel adulter-ants. …
Illicit Medetomidine Use with Fentanyl - The Hospitalist
2025年1月1日 · Medetomidine is a non-opioid animal sedative increasingly used with fentanyl in illicit drug mixtures. It causes overdose similar to xylazine and other opioids but with prolonged …