Home - Media 2 Rise
"While still in its infancy, Media2Rise has already garnered hundreds of thousands of views across platforms. Media2Rise operates as a alternative media outfit that serves as a platform for promoting and celebrating Nationalist groups and the nationalist lifestyle.”
the idea behind "active club" part 1 - Media 2 Rise
2020年12月7日 · Shortly after the media reported on our active style of mixing combat sports and propaganda, we began seeing others ditching the suit and tie of the alt-right to take up the Active Club style in America, fulfilling the brush fire narrative mentioned earlier.
Nationalist Brotherhood - Media 2 Rise
2020年6月11日 · Whether you are a European in Casa Pound or an American in Patriot Front, we are all fighting for our way of life, our world, and our people.In this world as Nationalists, everyone is against us, the media, law enforcement even the officials elected to “defend” our nations sell us out to the 3rd-world hordes.
Participate - Media 2 Rise
We are interested in lining up new projects around the globe! Our team seeks to report on everything within dissident politics as well as work with those who are unlikely to receive fair coverage by mainstream media.
gallery - Media 2 Rise
m2r attend fortress budapest event in hungary. in honor of the hero's that defended against the soviet invasion during ww2
Articles - Media 2 Rise
2020年6月11日 · History And Heroes April 11, 2021. By, Robert Rundo “Germany calling Germany calling!” The distinct voice… William Joyce The Cultured Thug. January 10, 2021
bad boys good habits - Media 2 Rise
2021年6月24日 · by Robert Rundo . I have often used the slogan ” bad boys good habits” when referring to the nationalist attitude and wanted to explain its meaning.
2020年6月11日 · Author -Wotan Jugend. I must say that the Walker name will not say absolutely anything to the younger generation. Their name “William Walker” will not cause pride for his race or for his country.
Legionary Mindset - Media 2 Rise
2020年6月11日 · Author -Robert Rundo ‘One more rep Rundo lets get it” Fox, the tattooed hells angel shouts as we do our 50th set of burpees in the sun-bleached prison yard.
Revolution Of Tradition - Media 2 Rise
2020年6月11日 · Grady Wilhelm, Rob Rundo, and Rise Above Movement. Whether they be from our home continent or not, the modern world’s relentless war on European nationalists is waged from every possible angle.