UBR Media | Rambah - Facebook
UBR Media, Rambah, Riau, Indonesia. 10,862 likes. Fanspage UBR Media.
UBR | Телепедия | Fandom
UBR (Ukrainian Business Resource, Украинский бизнес-ресурс, УБР) — украинский бизнес-канал. Создан в 2008 году [5], при этом полноценное вещание началось 2 марта 2009 года [1]. Победитель премии Media & Sat Leaders 2010 в номинации «канал деловых новостей» [6]. Канал также получил грамоту от министерства экономики Украины [7].
TV Channel UBR | Media Ownership Monitor
2025年3月13日 · From 2013 UBR channel is a part of the Media Holding "Vesti Ukraine." Yuriy Kaplunenko (born: July 5, 1975, Kyiv) is a Ukrainian businessman, founder of the Channel UBR (Ukrainian Business Research). He is one of the first in the field of business TV production in Ukraine. In 2013 he founded GRP (Great Practice) communication agency and manages it.
UberMedia - Crunchbase Company Profile & Funding
UberMedia delivers dynamic advertising solutions for Fortune 500 companies across retail, automotive, entertainment, and consumer markets. Recognized as a pioneer in targeted mobile advertising, UberMedia was listed as Fast Company’s “50 Most Innovative Companies” and The Wall Street Journal’s Top “50 Startups.”
Near acquires the location data company formerly known as …
2021年4月28日 · TechCrunch readers may be more familiar with UM under its old name, UberMedia, which created social apps like Echofon and UberSocial before pivoting its business to ad attribution and location data.
Qui Sommes-nous - UBR
© 2025 UBR. Created for free using WordPress and ColibriColibri
SLiMS (Senayan Library Management System) is an open source Library Management System. It is build on Open source technology like PHP and MySQL
UberMedia Insights
UM is now Near. Read the announcement here. UM Insights is developed by UM ® , the leader in mobile location data.
UBR Spotlight: St. Louis Real Estate and Media Mogul Michael V. Roberts
2013年4月30日 · Founded in 1979, the Roberts Properties L.L.C is a subsidiary of The Roberts Cos.— a multifaceted real estate and media enterprise. The St. Louis-based company is the premier minority-owned...
Новини телеканалу UBR транслюватиме арабський канал …
2016年3月30日 · Телеканал UBR розпочинає співпрацю з супутниковим арабомовним телеканалом UAAN.TV, який транслюється в Європі, на Близькому Сході і Африці. Частина ефіру каналу присвячена Україні. Про це повідомляє прес-служба медіахолдингу «Вести Україна», до якого входить телеканал UBR.