Trusted Partner in IVD Raw Materials & Assays | Medix Biochemica
Independent, international, and industry-leading supplier of raw materials for the IVD industry. Medix Biochemica is a leading supplier of diagnostic raw materials, offering over 5000 products to support assay development and validation globally.
关于Medix Biochemica - 上海墨迪斯医疗技术有限公司
发源于芬兰的全球化公司,几十年来我们专注服务于体外诊断行业,在此了解我们的历史、专长和对体外诊断行业的承诺。 Medix Biochemica是一家拥有芬兰背景的真正全球性公司,数十年来一直致力于为IVD行业服务。
About Medix Biochemica: Trusted IVD Experts | Medix Biochemica
Medix Biochemica is a market-leading in vitro diagnostics raw material supplier with Finnish roots and global branches. We produce and supply high-quality antibodies, antigens and other critical IVD raw materials to enable our IVD customers to manufacture diagnostic tests and supporting materials all around the world.
MedixMDx: Advanced Molecular Diagnostics | Medix Biochemica
Leaders in Engineered Polymerases for Molecular Diagnostics. Expertise in Lyophilization & Assay Development Services. Unwavering Commitment to Quality: ISO13485 Conformity. Browse the most comprehensive portfolio of products in the IVD world. Polymerases designed for precise end-point PCR, ensuring high specificity and robust amplification.
上海墨迪斯医疗技术有限公司 - medixbiochemicachina.com
Medix Biochemica拥有各种体外诊断用抗体的开发工具,从小鼠杂交瘤到嵌合重组单抗。 我们的研发科学家Emilia Galli博士于2022年6月在阿姆斯特丹举行的 欧洲抗体工程与治疗学会议 上介绍了我们体外诊断用重组抗体生产的最新进展。
Medix Biochemica发现之旅
Medix Biochemica拥有丰富的单抗开发经验,在过去的30多年中,我们开发了海量的杂交瘤细胞,其产生的单抗无论是特异性还是活性和功能均表现出众。
The History of Medix Biochemica
2023年2月16日 · Medix Biochemica was established in Finland in 1985, and since then we have been manufacturing and supplying high-quality raw materials for the in vitro diagnostics (IVD) industry, as well as research and development institutes. Our vision is to become the first-choice raw material partner for the IVD industry.1,2. Did You Know?
上海墨迪斯医疗技术有限公司 我们的产品
Medix Bichemica致力于为您提供所需要的各种资源,助力您加速研发,缩短体外诊断产品的上市时间。 Medix Biochemica是一家拥有芬兰背景的真正全球性公司,数十年来一直致力于为IVD行业服务。
上海墨迪斯医疗技术有限公司 What we IVDo
Medix Biochemica高度重视研发,我们有四分之一的员工致力于新产品的设计和开发。 我们关注并紧跟体外诊断各个领域——从天然和重组抗体、抗原到分子诊断原料。
Medix Global
Medix Global is a leading provider of innovative, high quality, medical management solutions. Medix secures diagnosis, treatment, recovery and peace of mind throughout your health journey for better medical outcomes.