Park prirode Medvednica | Zaštita, očuvanje i promicanje "Parka …
Mount Medvednica is a very rare example of a nature park merging with a capital city. It is the area in which natural, cultural and historic values interlace and depend on each other. To the dwellers at its foot, this great beneficial mountain has been presenting wood and coal, salt and stone, silver and water and their mill – in general, the ...
Park prirode Medvednica | Zaštita, očuvanje i promicanje "Parka …
Medvednica je izuzetno rijedak primjer ulaska parka prirode u glavni grad. To je prostor u kojem se prirodne i kulturno povijesne vrijednosti međusobno isprepliću i uvjetuju. Ta velika, blagotvorna planina stanovnicima grada bila je drvo, ugljen, sol, kamen, srebro, voda i mlin… i …
Medvedgrad – Park prirode Medvednica | Zaštita, očuvanje i …
Visitors can enjoy a tournament, and try their hand in knightly battle skills, mint their own silver coin, try food and drink prepared after medieval recipes, listen to the medieval music, meet witches of Medvednica, and even try the original medieval instruments of torture.
Natura 2000 – Park prirode Medvednica | Zaštita, očuvanje i …
Mount Medvednica is a very rare example of a nature park merging with a capital city. It is the area in which natural, cultural and historic values interlace and depend on each other.
Veternica Cave – Park prirode Medvednica | Zaštita, očuvanje i ...
Even though many would choose the wide-open spaces of Medvednica over its dark and chilly underground, Veternica Cave merits a visit for many reasons! With more than seven kilometers of branching canals, Veternica is the sixth cave in Croatia by size, and has constantly been growing in length growing through the discoveries of Zagreb speleologists.
Price list – Park prirode Medvednica | Zaštita, očuvanje i …
Mount Medvednica is a very rare example of a nature park merging with a capital city. It is the area in which natural, cultural and historic values interlace and depend on each other. To the dwellers at its foot, this great beneficial mountain has been presenting wood and coal, salt and stone, silver and water and their mill – in general, the ...
Medvedgrad – Park prirode Medvednica | Zaštita, očuvanje i …
Medvednica je izuzetno rijedak primjer ulaska parka prirode u glavni grad. To je prostor u kojem se prirodne i kulturno povijesne vrijednosti međusobno isprepliću i uvjetuju. Ta velika, blagotvorna planina stanovnicima grada bila je drvo, ugljen, sol, kamen, srebro, voda i mlin… i …
Mount Medvednica is a very rare example of a nature park merging with a capital city. It is the area in which natural, cultural and historic values interlace and depend on each other.
Man and nature – Park prirode Medvednica | Zaštita, očuvanje i ...
In the Nature Park Medvednica, the lives of people and the mountain are more intertwined than in most other protected areas. While the green fingers of Medvednica’s hillsides descend deep into the body of the million-people city, the streets of Zagreb penetrate the mountain more and more.
2. Scientific and professional symposium Medvednica's Green Touch
The assembly will be held at the Medvedgrad Visitor Center in the Medvednica Nature Park on September 4th and 5th, 2024. The patrons of the meeting are: Ministry of Environmental Protection and Green Transition; The Environmental Protection and Energy Efficiency Fund; Zagreb Tourist Board