Underrated Monsters, or why you should be using a Meenlock in …
2020年8月15日 · A Meenlock's aura does not, its a result of their telepathic abilities. This means even in complete darkness or through walls, Fear Aura still applies. Shadow Teleport is yet …
Need some advice with the final Meenlock encounter in A deep
2021年9月27日 · Use set pieces - i.e. terrain - to make it more interesting. The first thing that comes to mind would be that you could have the fight take place in a room with a few anti-light …
dnd 5e 2014 - Meenlock telepathic torment on target with 0 HP ...
2020年5月13日 · I would interpret this to say that, although meenlocks can transform a creature into a meenlock in just one hour, they generally prefer to draw out the process for several …
[DMing][5e] Advice for Running a Meenlock Horror Encounter?
When I found the Meenlock in Volo's Guide to Monsters, it immediately stuck out to me as monster that would function phenomenally for a horror style campaign session. Between it's …
Meenlock fear bugged? : r/BaldursGate3 - Reddit
I noticed the tooltip for Meenlock Fear says it's a wisdom saving throw but the actual saving throw is using constitution for some reason. I put Protect from Good and Evil on my pally and I didn't …
Meenlock related creatures? : r/DnD - Reddit
2023年12月22日 · What kind of creatures can co-exist with meenlocks? I also distinctly remember Half-Meenlock Spawns from earlier editions, but I can't seem to find any for 5e. For context, if …
A small rant about the Meenlocks in Act 2 : r/BaldursGate3 - Reddit
Meenlock have a teleport, but only to shadowed area. Keep your team in the radius of SG, they won't teleport, they'll just walk to you. You can pepper them with arrow or spells. Also, once …
Meenlock miniature? : r/DnD - Reddit
2017年4月25日 · Meenlock miniature? I love the meenlocks from Volo's Guide in 5th edition. I've been looking around to find something that might make a good meenlock miniature, as they've …
Stats for Meenlocks and a map of their lair with background
2015年6月4日 · The frightful appearance thing should've had something about not being affected after passing the first save, against any meenlock. I missed it in the description since I was …
Building up the Combat pillar in Hither: A Nightmare in Telemy Hill
2021年11月24日 · This meenlock could have a few more hit points than normal since action economy would be against it, or it could have an ability to absorb living boogeymen for …