CHANGING/ADD/DROP MEAL PLAN - Arkansas Tech University
Designed to offer convenience and variety by allowing you to use your daily meal swipe at other Chartwells locations other than the Dining Hall. Meal trades may be used twice a day. Meal trades count towards your available meal swipes.
meez - Recipe Management & Food Costing Software for Chefs
Our ingredient management system lets you cost recipes with 2,500+ ingredients, including built-in yield, prep loss, and conversion calculations. meez gives my team a resource to execute recipes and techniques to exactly my specifications, while creating more consistent service and happier customers. It’s so quick to cost recipes.
海外new things | 食谱管理平台「meez」A轮融资1150万美元,通 …
据外媒TechCrunch报道,为厨师设计定制化食谱的应用程序「meez」宣布完成1150万美元的A轮融资,由Craft Ventures领投,Struck Capital、FJ Labs、AME Cloud Ventures、Moving Capital、Max Mullen、Lenny Rachitsky、Mike Montero、Bobby Lo、Austin Rief、Louis...
海外new things | 食谱管理平台「meez」A轮融资1150万美元,通 …
据外媒TechCrunch报道,为厨师设计定制化食谱的应用程序「meez」宣布完成1150万美元的A轮融资,由Craft Ventures领投,Struck Capital、FJ Labs、AME Cloud Ventures、Moving Capital、Max Mullen、Lenny Rachitsky、Mike Montero、Bobby Lo、Austin Rief、Louis...
「meez」获得1150万美元A轮融资,可帮助餐企将新员工培训时间 …
2023年1月12日 · 据外媒TechCrunch报道,近日,食谱管理平台「meez」获得1150万美元A轮融资, 由Craft Ventures领投。 「meez」创立于2020年,是一款专为餐饮企业设计的食谱管理应用程序, 希望帮助餐饮从业者以数字化的方式管理和执行食谱编制、生产流程标准化和开展组织培训。
Software for Restaurants & Chefs | Digital Recipe Tool
Founded by 20+ year culinary veteran Josh Sharkey, meez’s restaurant software makes recipe costing, organization, scaling and training easy to manage.
Food Service - Arkansas Tech University
Welcome to ATU Food Service! Here you will find all the information regarding campus dining options, hours of operation, meal plans, special events, and much more. Summer hours
meez简介 | IT桔子
r/meeznation - Reddit
r/meeznation: Following the development of MeezNation, a game inspired by, but not affiliated with, Meez.com and Donnerwood media.
2025年美团外卖交易用户数MTU有望增长至3亿人 - 2022年11月
《2025年美团外卖交易用户数MTU有望增长至3亿人》: 在低线城市的客户基础,我们预计 2025 年美团平台 ATU 将增长至 8.6 亿人,接近头部电商和支付平台水平。 同时,当用户潜在需求被激活、享受到美团平台的便捷与实惠后,有望进一步导入外卖等其他品类。
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