Mega Absol | Pokécharms
2013年8月8日 · Revealed: Mega Absol was revealed in the 2013 August edition of CoroCoro, along with several other Mega Pokemon: Mega Lucario, Mega Blaziken, Mega Mawile and …
Mini Mega Absol | Pokécharms - archive.pokecharms.com
2017年11月15日 · So, being the first piece of art I upload to this site, I have no idea what to put here. Ehr, I've decided to call it 'Mini Mega Absol', because- it's a mini Mega-Absol. It's sort of …
What is Your Mega Evolution Quote? - Pokécharms
2017年7月9日 · "Alright, Absol! This is our turning point! The strength that has allowed us to reach this far will propel us even further! Mega Evolve!" (Seriously though, I would definitely carry …
New Pokémon, Mega Forms Revealed, and More | Pokécharms
2013年8月8日 · It's CoroCoro leak time agin, and this time we've got a lot of new info and Pokémon. Perhaps the most interesting development so far is the addition of "Mega" forms, a …
#0359 Absol - Pokecharms PokéDex
#359 Absol | Type: dark | Pokémon Scarlet & Violet PokéDex
X/Y - Mega Stones - Pokécharms
2013年9月12日 · Mega Stones are a new type of item for X and Y, and so far appear to be a type of Evolutionary Stone. There are many variants of Mega Stone, each corresponding to a …
Evolution Musings - Pokécharms
2016年2月14日 · Those aren't actual wings on Mega Absol - just tufts of much, much longer fur that apparently 'stand on end' and resemble wings due to the 'energy coursing through its …
Mega Absol Badge (Shiny) | Pokécharms - archive.pokecharms.com
Mega Absol Badge (Shiny) by SkullGruntDMan A little something I worked on. I'm thinking of maybe getting ...
Mega Mawile | Pokécharms
2013年8月8日 · Mega Mawile / Japanese Name: MegaKucheat Height: 1.0m / 3' 03'' Weight: 23.5kg / 51.8 lbs. Classification: Deceiver Pokemon Ability: Huge Power Revealed: …
XY/ORAS Singles - Crushed by Stalls! | Pokécharms
2016年11月17日 · Welcome back to Pokécharms! We've recently launched a new site and upgraded forums, so there may be a few teething issues as everything settles in.