Tips for Easy Megapithecus? - General Discussion - ARK
2017年11月30日 · My tribe has recently finished Gamma Broodmother after getting our rex line started. We're farming easy broodmother with 13 25k hp 500-600% melee rexes and one 260 yuty.
Minimum to fight gamma Megapithecus - General Discussion
2019年10月2日 · Anyone wishing to SOLO Megapithecus in 2020 on Gamma on Official servers settings, you can look at this video. Only 5 Therizinos + 1 Yuty is needed. My Therizinosaur army were from 224 kibble tamed parents, 100% imprinted, max levelled, all having 22-23k health, 938-945% melee & with ascendant saddles.
Strategies for defeating the Megapithecus - General Discussion
2017年2月27日 · Strategies for defeating the Megapithecus Hi, I am looking at defeating the Megapithecus and I wanted to ask all of you about different strategies that you have successfully used. My tribe is looking to use 10 bred rexes whose base health is 11.8 k …
Megapithecus Boss Arena, Lystrosaurus, Sabertooth Salmon, and ...
2016年5月4日 · The Megapithecus makes their debut in ARK: Survival Evolved as players can now face off the mighty beast and it's army of giant apes and monkey minions in their epic snowy-mountain lair. Patch 240 also introduces tribe member rankings, a new form of primitive combat, and three new creatures, the Arthropleura, Sabertooth Salmon and Lystrosaurus!
Huge difference in difficulty between Gamma and Alpha? - ARK
2020年10月7日 · I've only been playing Ark on the Island and on single player, and recently I've gotten to taking on the bosses. I got through gamma megapithecus with ease, going with 19 rexes and 1 yuti. They were bred and start at 5k hp and 320%dmg after imprint, starting at level 71. (I didn't know about difficulty settings and stuff when i started so I ...
megapithecus - General Discussion - ARK - ARK - Official …
2017年6月8日 · hey i am trying to beat the monkey boss with my tribe on official we are 5 man and after the last patch we left with no tactic if u have any idea how to beat him pls ...
[thecenter] Tips for Megapithecus - General Discussion - ARK
2017年2月13日 · So I went into the fight on a rex, with the other dinos on follow (I entered solo, no other players). For some reason the dinos refused to attack the Megapithecus when it came into range, so I pushed forward on my rex, attacking the Megapithecus. The other dinos would then follow and also attack - good.
Can I kill the Megapithecus with rexes? - General Discussion - ARK
2017年5月11日 · I want to know, Can I defeat medium megapithecus with 16 rexes, avr stats 20k hp, 450 melee with Mc saddle armor 69.5? I think you can, but will definitely have losses, 20K hp is a bit thin Imo. Consider bringing in an additional "piggie" or two leveled on food, and give a health boost to your rexes from behind when they are getting bloody.
Minimum stats for a boss rex - General Discussion - ARK
2018年7月30日 · I’ve beaten the Beta Broodmother and Megapithecus with Rex stats of 30k HP and 500 - 700 melee and 70-90 armor saddles. The Beta Broodmother might kill some of your rexes though, I had rexes lose over 27k hp in the fight. If you are talking about gamma bosses you could probably stomp them with those stats and primitive saddles.
Megapithecus: Beta! - General - ARK - Official Community Forums
2017年11月21日 · Now, lets NOT count the Daedon. With the Yuty and the mate boost, the effective damage output for the Megapithecus is reduced on down to 525 dps, giving you ~60 seconds to kill the Megapithecus. Now, Daedon heals for, what, ~200 per second? Thus, this reduced the bosses damage output on down a bit more to 300 dps.