Melorheostosis | Radiology Reference Article | Radiopaedia.org
2024年11月11日 · Melorheostosis, also known as Leri disease, is an uncommon mesenchymal dysplasia manifesting as regions of sclerosing bone with a characteristic dripping wax appearance (a.k.a. flowing candle wax appearance).
Melorheostosis: Symptoms, Causes and Treatment
Healthcare providers use imaging tests to diagnose melorheostosis, including: Bone scans use injections of a small dose of radioactive material and imaging scans. X-rays use safe, low doses of radiation to view bones and soft tissues. If you have melorheostosis, your bones look like they are “dripping wax” on an X-ray.
X-rays sensing properties of MEH-PPV, Alq - ScienceDirect
2013年1月1日 · It has shown that MEH-PPV/Alq 3 solutions are specifically sensitive to X-rays, since the effect of radiation on this organic system is strongly correlated with the efficient spectral overlap between Alq 3 emission and the absorption of degraded MEH-PPV, which alters the color and photoemission of MEH-PPV/Alq 3 mixtures from red to yellow, and ...
Morphological, structural and optical properties of MEH-PPV: …
2018年5月15日 · The optimized structure was studied by varying the annealing temperatures using X-ray diffraction (XRD). The XRD analysis indicates that annealing treatment promoted the ordered aggregation and crystallization of MEH-PPV: PC 70 BM films. Indeed, the blend ratio effect on the optical properties of MEH-PPV: PC 70 BM thin film was investigated.
Sensitivity analysis of X-ray detectors based on BFE and MEH-PPV ...
In addition to investigating MEH-PPV organic sensors, this research has introduced a novel X-ray detector based on BFE organic sensor. BFE hasn't been applied in X-ray sensors and in this paper we use this organic material to fabricate a new electronic device.
湖南大学宋国胜和张晓兵JACS:长余辉分子成像探针设计- X-MOL …
2023年3月22日 · 接下来,为了验证该余辉发光分子在余辉成像探针设计中的通用性,作者构建了三个可激活分子余辉探针(MAPs),分别用于对pH值、超氧阴离子(O2•−)和亮氨酸氨基肽酶(LAP)进行定量检测和余辉成像。 值得一提的是,MAPs采用了“四位一体”的分子设计,通过将刺激响应单元、1O2生成单元、1O2捕获单元和发光单元集成到一个探针中,显著地提高了探针的灵敏度。 最后,为了验证MAPs在活体成像中的优越性,作者还将其应用于药物性肝损伤的高 …
Temperature dependence of molecular dynamics and …
2008年12月1日 · This article presents an investigation of the temperature induced modification in the microstructure and dynamics of poly [2-methoxy-5- (2′-ethylhexyloxy)-1,4-phenylenevinylene] (MEH-PPV) cast films using Wide-Angle X-ray Scattering (WAXS), solid-state Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR), and Fluorescence Spectroscopy (PL).
【医学图像处理】X-ray 图像质量 - 张朋艺的博客 | ZhangPY Blog
2020年5月11日 · 对比度指的是感兴趣区域,比如损伤和背景组织之间,在显示或者图像信号强度上的差异。 高对比度的图像在显示的灰色阴影之间具有较大的差异,但灰色范围较小。 低对比度图像的差异较小(即,更难区分出不同区域),但灰度范围较大。 指的是由于要成像的主体的质量而导致的图像不同部分的辐射强度之比。 对比度归因于 组织的差异衰减。 c ∝ (μ1 - μ2) x t ,c为对比度,μ为被成像材料中物体1和2的衰减系数,T为结构厚度。 从上面的方程式中,可以看 …
The wide-angle X-ray diffraction of dried MEH …
We identified the conformational structure, aggregation behavior and photophysical properties of poly [2-methoxy-5- (2-ethylhexyloxy)-1,4-phenylenevinylene] (MEH-PPV) in various toluene/nonane ...
Diagnostic Radiology & Imaging | Mount Elizabeth Hospitals - MEH
Radiology includes both imaging techniques (such as X-rays or MRI scans) and treatments (such as radiotherapy). In contrast, radiography is limited to imaging techniques only. Mount …