Home | Meetings & Exhibitions Hong Kong
MEHK offer services to give every meeting, convention, exhibition and incentive trip in Hong Kong (HK) a superior experience.
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香港,作為首屈一指的國際商業樞紐,是匯聚各地專才一起探索機會、交流創意的理想地點。 憑藉香港作為內地與世界橋樑的獨特定位,加上不斷發展升級的基建和旅遊資源,香港必定讓你的會議、展覽及獎勵旅遊活動再創高峰! 來聽聽活動策劃者和與會者的親身體驗,了解香港作為舉辦世界級盛事首選之地的原因何在。 由香港律師會主辦的2025年首屆運動法律盛會標誌着法律與體育跨界協作的重要里程碑。 被譽為「區塊鏈界超級碗」和「Web3世界盃」的加密貨幣圈盛 …
關於我們 | 香港會議及展覽拓展部
香港旅遊發展局旗下的 「香港會議及展覽拓展部」 (MEHK),專責鞏固香港作為亞太區舉行企業會議、獎勵旅遊、會議及展覽的首選之地。 會展旅遊有助吸引高增值旅客訪港,同時,並有助強化香港作為頂級商貿城市的形象,帶動多個行業發展,為香港經濟注入動力,是香港整個旅遊業推廣策略中重要的一環。 「香港會議及展覽拓展部」致力提供全方位支援服務,確保每個會議、展覽及獎勵旅遊活動成功舉行。 為主辦機構籌辦工作奠定基礎,打造與衆不同的盛會,为參與活動的 …
Meetings and Exhibitions Hong Kong - YouTube
The Hong Kong Tourism Board established Meetings and Exhibitions Hong Kong (MEHK) to continue strengthening the city’s position as the world's meeting place for meetings, incentive trips ...
大型展覽及會議、獎勵旅遊的相關活動及優惠 - 香港旅業網
香港是國際主要的會展獎勵旅遊 (MICE) 活動地點。 旅發局於2008年成立「香港會議及展覽拓展部」 (MEHK),致力為活動策劃人員提供一站式的支援和各式資訊,讓各大小會議展覽及相關活動都能順利完成。 香港禮遇! 2023/2024. Have any questions? Talk with us directly using LiveChat.
Meetings & Exhibitions Hong Kong (MEHK) - LinkedIn
MEHK offers a full slate of support services that make world-leading MICE events simple to set up and smooth to execute. Step by step, MEHK will lay the groundwork to take your event to...
Morning Express
Morning Express provides one-stop logistics services for corporates, eCommerce merchants, and individuals in Hong Kong. From warehouse, logistics, delivery, to last mile of redemption stations and digital lockers, Morning Express commits its service in the most convenient and flexible way. 早晨快信為本港的企業、公司、電商及個人客戶提供一站式物流服務。
About Us | Meetings and Exhibitions Hong Kong
Meetings and Exhibitions Hong Kong (MEHK), a Hong Kong Tourism Board division, is tasked to reinforce Hong Kong as a preferred destination for meetings, incentive trips, conventions, and exhibitions in Asia-Pacific.
Hong Kong Meetings, Conventions & Exhibitions Venues
Hong Kong is recognised as the world's premier Meetings, Incentives, Conventions and Exhibitions (MICE) destination. In 2008, Meetings and Exhibitions Hong Kong (MEHK) office was established to provide one-stop support for MICE organisers to make any size of event a success. Check out how to make your next MICE event a memorable one in Hong Kong!