Major Minor's Majestic March - Wikipedia
Major Minor's Majestic March (メジャマジ・マーチ, Mejamaji Māchi) is a music video game for the Wii. Developed by NanaOn-Sha, it was said developer's final collaboration with Masaya Matsuura and artist Rodney Greenblat. [3]
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Meja-Maji March (Nintendo Wii, 2009) - Japanese Version - eBay
Find many great new & used options and get the best deals for Meja-Maji March (Nintendo Wii, 2009) - Japanese Version at the best online prices at eBay! Free shipping for many products!
Meja-Maji March for Nintendo Wii - Playasia.com
The more precise you are with your rhythm, the more members you will get. However, your members will leave the team when you make mistakes, so beware. Colorful, cool and cute, the music game Meja-Maji March utilize the motion sensing function of the Wii console and is a family game for children, adults and the elderly
Major Minor's Majestic March - Summary
Major Minor's Majestic March marks the return of the creative team behind the renowned PaRappa the Rapper franchise--legendary game designer and multimedia musician Masaya Matsuura and famed New...
Maje 官方網站
Judith Milgrom為Maje創辦人兼藝術總監,銳意打造體現豐富多元、創意、女性魅力和自由精神的品牌,務求透過品牌訴說家族的故事。 Maje於1998年在巴黎創立,其後發展成為享譽全球的 …
2024年1月13日 · Region Locked. Region Code: NTSC J (Japan). Version:Japan / Imported from Japan / Language is Japanese. Region free. Region free console. console with region restrictions. ・Super Famicom. ・Nintendo Switch.
RX7JGD - Meja-maji March - gametdb.com
本作是一款非常另类的音乐动作游戏,玩家将扮演动物乐团的指挥者,吸纳在旅途中邂逅的各种各样的动物组成乐团,并在丰富多彩的场景中演奏雄壮的进行曲。 Wii的遥控器手柄在游戏中将发挥指挥棒的功能,让玩家可以以体感的方式体会别具一格的游戏乐趣。 本作的开发工作由松浦雅也率领的《啪啦啪啦啪》制作团队七音社负责. Nintendo Wii games database, with information and artwork in all languages, including Japanese, Korean and Chinese.
Major Minor's Majestic March (2009) - MobyGames
Attention Aspiring Drum Majors of the World! Can you guide the courageous cat, Major Minor, through this whimsical musical adventure? Brought to you by Masaya Matsuura, the visionary creator of...
2009年4月23日 · 我要成為發表《MEJA-MAJI MARCH》第一篇創作的勇者! 目前沒有建立攻略選單。 玩家在遊戲裡化身為樂團指揮者,並在旅行的途中跟相遇的許多動物們成為夥伴,然後在各式各樣的場所進行演奏表演的一款動作遊戲。 在遊戲裡,玩家可以使用Wii遙控器來當作指揮棒,並透過上下左右的揮動來指揮樂團。 而遊戲內收錄的曲目內容也非常豐富,包括有註明的進行曲與各式各樣樂曲,同時本作還支援多人模式,讓玩家能使.