MEKO 200 - Wikipedia
The MEKO 200 is a frigate design by the Blohm + Voss shipyard of Germany, as part of the MEKO family of warships. HMAS Parramatta, an Anzac -class MEKO 200 type frigate of the Royal Australian Navy. Ten MEKO 200 frigates were built to the Anzac -class design: eight for the Royal Australian Navy, and two for the Royal New Zealand Navy.
Anzac-class frigate - Wikipedia
The Anzac class (also identified as the ANZAC class and the MEKO 200 ANZ type) is a ship class of ten frigates; eight operated by the Royal Australian Navy (RAN) and two operated by the Royal New Zealand Navy (RNZN).
FFG, MEKO 200 - War History
2016年1月27日 · The MEKO 200 is an extremely successful design which has gained substantial export orders for the German shipbuilding industry. In each case the hull and general outline of the ship is identical but customers can choose a variety of armament and machinery combinations which are installed on a modular basis.
MEKO - Wikipedia
MEKO is a registered trademark. The portmanteau stands for " Mehrzweck-Kombination " (English: multi-purpose-combination). It is a concept in modern naval shipbuilding based on modularity of armament, electronics and other equipment, aiming at …
MEKO 200 Frigate Mild-Life Upgrade (MLU) programmes worldwide
2019年11月14日 · The MEKO 200 is a frigate (FFG) design by the German shipyard Blohm+Voss as part of the MEKO family of warships. Ten MEKO 200 frigates were built to the Anzac-class design; eight for the Royal Australian Navy (first ship entered service in 1993), and two for the Royal New Zealand Navy (first ship entered service in 1994).
Hellenic Navy’s Hydra-class frigates MLU: Limited Budget but …
2021年4月30日 · The MEKO 200 is a frigate (FFG) design by the German shipyard Blohm+Voss as part of the MEKO family of warships. A total 25 MEKO 200 frigates of seven (7) different configurations were built for Australia (8 ships), New Zealand (2 ships), Turkey (8 ships), Portugal (3 ships) and Greece (4 ships).
德国的meko系列在本世纪初曾经是畅销各路王爷酋长的大宝贝,王爷们用过都说好。 但是近几年却出了个大笑话。 它给德国自己造的f125首舰因为质量问题直接被退货返厂,修了个年把勉强服役,
地主家的多面手:法意FREMM护卫舰的美国兄弟---FFG(X)星座级 …
根据美国海军的“分布式杀伤”概念,FFG(X)可拓展舰队的传感器、武器效能,为舰队提供更完善的战场态势信息,同时对敌人的情报监视侦察能力构成挑战。 该舰的设计目标是:冲突期间为舰队的水下战与水面战提供支持,也能独立在对抗环境下执行作战使命,拓展舰队战术节点,同时能操控无人系统;分担大型水面舰艇的日常巡逻等非战使命。 平臺将使用无人系统渗透到靠近敌方的区域,获取对敌探测与打击优势。 FFG(X)能使用被动式舰载传感器、舰载机和无人系统建立 …
Royal Australian Navy selects MEKO 200 and FFM 30 Mogami to …
2024年11月13日 · MEKO 200 and Mogami light frigates in final to replace Royal Australian Navy’s Anzac-class frigates. The MEKO 2000 frigate from the German tKMS, a safe and well-known value for the Royal Australian Navy; The Japanese FFM 30 Mogami, a vessel designed to offer excellent value for money
MEKO 200级护卫舰 - 百度百科
meko a-200an护卫舰,是以德国基尔造船厂为南非建造的meko a-200sa型护卫舰为基础研发。 该型舰火力充足,能满足阿尔及利亚海军的大部分作战要求。 主炮为1门127毫米的“奥拓·梅莱拉”舰炮(64倍径),2门30毫米MSI机关炮,16枚RBS-15Mk3型反舰导弹(也可以选装其他 ...