MELTY BLOOD(TYPE-MOON原作,渡边制作所开发的格斗游 …
- TYPE-MOON原作,渡边制作所开发的格斗游戏
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- 《MELTY BLOOD》是TYPE-MOON旗下的第一款格斗游戏,由同人社团时期的TYPE-MOON与游戏公司FRENCH-BREAD社 的前身——同为同人社团的渡边制 … 展开
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Melty Blood - Wikipedia
Melty Blood (メルティブラッド, Meruti Buraddo), sometimes shortened as Merubura (メルブラ), is a series of 2D visual novel fighting video games, co-developed by dōjin circles Type-Moon and French-Bread as the meta-sequel of Type-Moon's first visual novel Tsukihime.
The first game was originally released at Comiket in December 2002, and later …Wikipedia · CC-BY-SA 许可下的文字Melty Blood - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
《MELTY BLOOD: TYPE LUMINA》是根据TYPE-MOON的视觉浪漫小说《月姬》改编的2D格斗游戏系列《MELTY BLOOD》的最新作。游戏故事发生在《月姬 -A piece of blue glass moon-》的时间点之前。本作于2021年9月30日于 …
Save 60% on MELTY BLOOD: TYPE LUMINA on Steam
Explore an all-new MELTY BLOOD world from scenario writer Kinoko Nasu. Unique story events for each character give each playthrough its own feel, …
- 9/10(8115)
- ReleaseData: Sep 29, 2021
- Publishers: Lasengle Inc.
- ReviewsDescription: Very Positive
Melty Blood (Series) - TYPE-MOON Wiki
The Melty Blood (メルティブラッド, Meruti Buraddo?) series is a 2D fighting game series, primarily owned by TYPE-MOON and developed by French-Bread. The first sub-series, Melty …
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MELTY BLOOD: TYPE LUMINA official website
The official website for "MELTY BLOOD: TYPE LUMINA", the 2D fighting game that takes place in the world of TYPE-MOON's long-form romantic visual novel "Tsukihime".
MELTY BLOOD - 萌娘百科 万物皆可萌的百科全书
月姬题材的系列格斗游戏『melty blood』的第3作。 本作不再是同人游戏,而是商业游戏,使用了更先进的游戏引擎。 进行了各种系统调整,并增加了数名新角色。
型月游戏一MB系列 - 哔哩哔哩
2021年3月26日 · melty blood (机种:pc)时间:2002.12. 为原始版初, 具有剧情模式及对战模式。剧情模式是完整的新作剧情【无语音】。对战模式中最初只能使用6名角色,分别为希翁 …
Melty Blood - TYPE-MOON Wiki
Melty Blood (メルティブラッド, Meruti Buraddo?) is the first game in the Melty Blood series. It was first released on December 30, 2002 for Microsoft WindowsWP. It was developed by …