Mend SCA: End-To-End Open Source Risk Management
Mend SCA proactively protects applications by identifying and mitigating open source risks, strengthening your overall security posture. Leverage comprehensive vulnerability analysis to assess true risks affecting your application.
Mend SCA
Mend SCA gives organizations full visibility and control over open source usage and security - and makes it easy for developers to remediate open source risk directly from the tools they already use. It can issue real-time alerts with automatic remediation capabilities, or even proactively block malicious packages and licensing violations.
Mend.io (formerly WhiteSource) - Start Managing Application Risk
Mend.io equips your dev and security teams with tools to build a mature AppSec program, reducing risk and boosting security. Developer and security teams have the same AppSec destination—but they use different routes to get there. And when each team has fundamentally different needs, one tool will not fit all.
Mend.io AppSec Platform
Mend SCA gives organizations full visibility and control over open source usage and security—and makes it easy for developers to remediate open source risk directly from the tools they already use. Mend Container uses state-of-the-art reachability analysis to extend key features of Mend SCA into your container runtime environment.
软件成分分析SCA_开源软件_专注研发安全_ITT-Mend SCA - 艾体 …
Mend SCA 可以让您编译所有依赖项的准确 SBOM,让您全面了解现有的所有开源库和依赖项。 您可以轻松地将 SBOM 导出为符合 NTIA 标准的格式,如 SPDX 和 CycloneDX。
Scan your open source components (SCA) with the Mend CLI
The Mend CLI Software Composition Analysis (SCA) engine performs an extensive analysis of the open-source components within your application to detect CVE vulnerabilities as well as MSC vulnerabilities for malicious packages.
软件成分分析SCA | 开源软件安全 | 开源软件漏洞扫描 | 应用程序安 …
Mend.io 是唯一一款专为安全团队全面控制整个组织的开源软件使用情况而设计的 SCA 工具。 使用 Mend.io,您可以在所有开发人员和应用程序中执行策略,以消除开源许可风险并更新易受攻击的软件包。
GSS資安電子報0216期 【Mend.io軟體組成分析工具(SCA):如何 …
什麼是 sca 工具, 以及為什麼它很重要? mend 能有效整合敏捷式開發下的 sca 解決方案和開發者工具; sca 工具如何⽀持您組織中的 devsecops; 解析 sca:您需要的 4 個基本功能,能為了有效地使用開源技術 透過有效的使用分析增強開源檢測自動化整合; mend sca 核心價值
开源软件管理工具Mend SCA - softtest.cn
Mend SCA拥有最为广泛的安全漏洞数据库,从多个来源收集漏洞,提供详细的修复信息。 在软件开发生命周期(S DLC )中,包括软件发布之后, Mend SCA对用户做出实时提醒以便积极主动地提前修复所有问题。
Scanning in the Pipeline for SCA - Mend
Incorporating Software Composition Analysis (SCA) into your CI/CD pipeline can help you identify and mitigate vulnerabilities in open-source components. At Mend, we offer two powerful scanner agents designed to integrate seamlessly into your development workflow: The Mend CLI and the Mend Unified Agent. This overview will help you understand ...