Torn meniscus - Symptoms & causes - Mayo Clinic
2022年1月6日 · The meniscus is a C-shaped piece of tough, rubbery cartilage that acts as a shock absorber between the shinbone and the thighbone. It can be torn if you suddenly twist your knee while bearing weight on it.
Meniscus tears & repairs - Mayo Clinic Orthopedics & Sports …
The meniscus is a firm, elastic, shock absorber that helps stabilize the knee and is important for normal function of the knee joint. It also provides protection of healthy cartilage in the knee. A meniscus can become damaged due to sudden trauma.
Torn meniscus - Diagnosis & treatment - Mayo Clinic
2022年1月6日 · A torn meniscus often can be identified during a physical exam. Your doctor might move your knee and leg into different positions, watch you walk, and ask you to squat to help pinpoint the cause of your signs and symptoms.
Rotura de menisco - Síntomas y causas - Mayo Clinic
2022年1月6日 · Realizar actividades que impliquen torcer y pivotar de manera agresiva la rodilla te pone en riesgo de tener una rotura del menisco. El riesgo es particularmente alto para los atletas, en especial para aquellos que participan en deportes de contacto, como el fútbol, o en actividades que implican pivotar, como el tenis o el baloncesto.
Advances in treatment of meniscus root tears - Mayo Clinic
2023年11月21日 · Meniscus root repair focuses on knees with minimal arthritis, he indicates. Without surgery, healing potential for these injuries is poor, with a nonoperative natural history of 95% failure, according to a publication by Dr. Krych and colleagues in American Journal of Sports Medicine in 2023.
Meniscal Tears Among the Most Common of Knee Injuries
2013年2月1日 · ANSWER: Maneuvers that forcefully compress and twist or rotate the knee can lead to a torn meniscus, which is cartilage in the knee joint. This cartilage acts like a cushion between the shinbone (tibia) and thighbone (femur).
Torn meniscus – to repair or not to repair? - Mayo Clinic Connect
2024年2月28日 · If it's a significant tear in your meniscus, arthroscopy might be faster. How do you know it's torn, or how badly it's torn? Does your knee lock up occasionally?
What are my options for meniscus repair and treatment at Mayo?
The techniques of meniscus repair we have developed at Mayo include repairing the torn edges of the meniscus, with the short- and long-term goal being to preserve the meniscus tissue and help prevent knee osteoarthritis.
半月板撕裂 - 症状与病因 - 妙佑医疗国际
2022年1月6日 · 半月板撕裂是最常见的一种膝关节损伤。用力扭转或旋转膝关节,尤其是在膝关节承受全身重量的情况下,均可能导致半月板撕裂。 每个膝盖都有两个 C 形的软骨块,在胫骨和股骨之间发挥垫片作用。半月板撕裂会导致疼痛 ...
Torn meniscus - Mayo Clinic
The meniscus is a C-shaped piece of tough, rubbery cartilage that acts as a shock absorber between the shinbone and the thighbone. It can be torn if you suddenly twist your knee while bearing weight on it.