2025 AMG GLB35 SUV | Mercedes-Benz USA
Meet your new favorite sports team, with 302 AMG-enhanced, turbo and hybrid-boosted horses and AMG Performance 4MATIC. Its advanced, luxurious cabin can seat up to seven. It's flexible, strong, and eager to win you over. Lock in future maintenance costs at today's prices.
Build Your Own 2025 AMG GLB 35 SUV | Mercedes-Benz USA
Customize your 2025 AMG GLB 35 SUV. Choose the color, wheels, interior, accessories and more. View pricing, save your build, or search for inventory.
梅赛德斯-AMG GLB 35 4MATIC - 梅赛德斯-奔驰中国
AMG 2.0升四缸汽油发动机,经过AMG的专属调教后,可提供306马力,额定扭矩400牛米,动力强劲酣畅。 且得益于48伏轻混电气系统的加持,发动机的动力和油耗表现均更加出众,0-100 …
2025 Mercedes-AMG GLB-Class Review, Pricing, and Specs
The GLB35 is powered by a turbocharged 2.0-liter four-cylinder that makes 302 horsepower and 295 pound-feet of torque; an eight-speed dual-clutch automatic transmission and all-wheel drive are...
GLB35深度使用用车感受4.27编辑 - 懂车帝
2023年3月21日 · 803版本黑外灰内,选配旋钮+19黑轮毂+小柏林,去店里看车前心里预设就是这个配置,看了三家店十几台现车,只有这一台符合,也算是有缘分。 裸车464000,优惠8w, …
如何评价GLB 35 AMG? - 知乎
GLB 35作为一台入门级的AMG车型,能看到它“纯粹”的一面,可提供极致的驾控体验。 同时也能看到它“不纯粹”的一面,空间以及舒适性都有很好的表现, 两者其实并不矛盾,这也是顺应当下年轻消费者的用车需求,既要释放年轻活力,又要对承载新家庭的担当,AMG GLB 35就是满足这部分消费群体的需求。 在“纯粹”与“不纯粹”之间,相信能收获更出色的市场表现。 从车身尺寸来看,GLB的定位是彻彻底底的紧凑级SUV,这让操控有了灵活的基础,方方正正的车身造型,也 …
【奔驰奔驰GLB AMG 2024款AMG GLB 35 4MATIC参数配置】奔驰奔驰GLB AMG 2024款AMG GLB 35 ...
奔驰奔驰GLB AMG 2024款AMG GLB 35 4MATIC频道为您提供奔驰奔驰GLB AMG 2024款AMG GLB 35 4MATIC配置信息,包括安全装备,操控配置,内置配置,性能参数,车型资料大全等,查奔驰奔驰GLB AMG 2024款AMG GLB 35 4MATIC参数配置,就上懂车帝。
【图】提车4个月分享GLB35感受。_奔驰GLB AMG论坛_汽车之家 …
2021年6月16日 · 如果你喜欢驾驶和操控乐趣,喜欢一款多变好玩的性能座驾而牺牲一些舒适性和奢华感,glb35就比较适合。 每个人对舒适性、奢华感、性价比,都会不同观点,找到最适合自己的那辆对你就是好车。
【图】2024款GLB35提车了_奔驰GLB AMG论坛_汽车之家论坛
2024年11月1日 · 恭喜楼主成功提车2024款奔驰glb35! 从您的描述中可以看出,您对这款车有着极高的期待和热情。 选择GLB35,不仅因为它的外观设计吸引人,更因为它所代表的动力和激情。
【图】GLB35使用报告_奔驰GLB AMG论坛_汽车之家论坛
2022年3月31日 · glb35使用报告 2021.9.18提车,相关数据见下图,车是好车,大问题没有,小问题3个:1.请勿换挡现象,前二个月发生过4-5次,解决方案无,去升级过还是出现1-2次,后面去翻了车辆使用说明,根据说明进行启动与熄火,还有需要注意等人时避免不要长时间D档开启停 ...
GLB | Mercedes-AMG
Experience pure freedom: the new Mercedes-AMG GLB impresses with powerful performance, innovative design and a high degree of flexibility. Price | Exterior | Interior | Technical data. Hey, we have noticed that you turned off your JavaScript. In order to provide you the best experience, please turn it on! Mercedes-Benz Singapore Pte.
Mercedes-AMG GLB 35 既有 SUV 外型、空間,但它也有接近跑車的性能表現,今日試駕的這輛 GLB 35 4MATIC First Edition,配備了一副 2 公升渦輪增壓引擎,可輸出最大 306 匹馬力以及 400Nm 扭力,波箱就當然換上 8 速 AMG SPEEDSHIFT DCT 自動波波箱,加上「4...
Giá xe Mercedes-AMG GLB 35 4MATIC mới nhất tháng 3/2025
2025年2月27日 · Mercedes-AMG GLB 35 4MATIC chiếc xe thể thao đa dụng chính thức ra mắt thị trường Việt Nam vào ngày 10/8/2021. Đúng như tên gọi của nó AMG - thể thao, GLB - 7 …
Drive Notes: 2024 Mercedes-Benz GLB35 AMG 4Matic
2024年3月6日 · Here is my short-take snapshot of the 2024 Mercedes-Benz GLB35 AMG 4Matic. Pros. This little one can move. Floor it, and after a half-second of thinking it over, the powertrain will comply and catapult you forward in a manner that's relatively rare …
Tested: 2021 Mercedes-AMG GLB35 Is a Bizarrely Fun Creation
2021年10月7日 · AMG's take on the GLB is called the GLB35 and is an entirely different animal. Its high-strung turbo four-cylinder engine, lowered suspension, and cheeky appearance inject …
2024 Mercedes-AMG GLB-Class Review, Pricing, and Specs - Car …
The GLB35 is powered by a turbocharged 2.0-liter four-cylinder that makes 302 horsepower and 295 pound-feet of torque; an eight-speed dual-clutch automatic transmission and all-wheel drive are ...
Mercedes GLB 35: Thông số, Bảng giá & Ưu đãi tháng 03/2025
Tại Việt Nam, Mercedes Benz GLB 35 được phân phân phối chính hãng 1 phiên bản. Giá lăn bánh tham khảo như sau: Mercedes GLB 35 là mẫu xe được đánh giá cao trong phân khúc xe 7 chỗ cỡ nhỏ. Mercedes GLB 35 phù hợp phục vụ cho nhu cầu di chuyển của gia đình tuy nhiên cảm giác lái rất thể thao đặc trưng của Mercedes vẫn được giữ nguyên.
2021 Mercedes-AMG GLB35 4Matic First Test: Peerless Platypus? - MotorTrend
2021年10月8日 · 2021 Mercedes-AMG GLB35 4Matic First Test: Peerless Platypus? Class-above performance, tall, blocky styling, and a third-row option leave the AMG GLB35 with no direct competition.
2021 Mercedes-AMG GLB35 review - Drive
2021年4月1日 · Powering the Mercedes-AMG GLB35 is a 2.0-litre turbocharged four-cylinder with 225kW and 400Nm offered in full between 3000–4000rpm. Drive is manipulated by an eight-speed dual-clutch transmission, and then distributed by the brand's 4Matic all-wheel-drive system. Torque split varies from 100:0 front/rear to 50:50 equal depending on the conditions.
2021 Mercedes-AMG GLB-Class Review, Pricing, and Specs - Car and Driver
Mercedes-AMG has worked its high-performance magic on the GLB-class SUV, giving it more athletic styling and adding a turbocharged four-cylinder making 302 horsepower. The GLB35 is bigger and...