Abdominal incisions: the names and anatomical locations
2018年12月12日 · Mercedes Benz incision: Chevron incision with a vertical incision and break through the xiphisternum; same indication as Chevron incision, but mostly performed in liver transplantation.
Abdominal Incisions - Lanz - Kocher - Midline - TeachMeSurgery
2023年4月23日 · Figure 2 – Common abdominal incisions. ① Midline incision, ② Paramedian incision, ③ Kocher incision, ④ Rooftop modification and ⑤ Mercedes Benz modification. Laparoscopic surgery (keyhole surgery) requires small incisions to be made in the skin, which allow instruments to be passed into the abdominal cavity.
Abdominal Incisions and Anatomy of the Abdominal Wall
2021年5月9日 · Mercedes Benz Incision or Modification: The Chevron incision with a vertical incision and break through the xiphisternum. This may be used for the same indications as the Chevron incision, however classically seen in liver transplantation
The Umbilical Benz Incision for Reduced Port Surgery in Pediatric ...
To overcome these problems, we developed a new umbilical incision, made in an inverted Y shape (Benz incision). The Benz incision is a simple and effective technique for enlarging the orifice of the abdominal opening, and it allows for umbilical remodeling without complications.
Abdominal incisions - Pulsenotes
It is important for gaining good access to the upper abdomen for major surgery (e.g. liver transplantation, duodenal surgery, adrenalectomy). The rooftop incision may be combined with a sternotomy incision during cardiac or liver surgery. This combined incision is known as a 'Mercedes-Benz' incision.
What Is an Incision in the Abdomen? - MedicineNet
Chevron/rooftop incision: It is the extension of a Kocher’s incision to the other side of the abdomen. It is useful for esophagectomy, gastrectomy, or liver transplantations. Mercedes Benz incision: It is the Chevron incision with a vertical incision extending up through the chest.
Comparison of J-Shaped Incision and Mercedes Incision for …
In order to gain full access to the liver during OLT, an extensive incision is usually required. The incisions commonly used are Mercedez, J shaped and midline. The Mercedez incision is a transverse incision with median extension, both on the rectus abdominis muscle.
Mercedes Benz incision as a modification of the MAGPI procedure was feasible and suitable for appropriately selected cases with distal hypospadias and mobile meatus. It provided a cosmetically natural vertical slit-like urethral meatus at the tip of the glans.
Benz incision technique. A, An inverted Y–shaped incision is …
A, An inverted Y–shaped incision is marked, with three 13-mm incisions in the shape of the Mercedes-Benz logo. B, The linea alba and peritoneum are incised longitudinally. The fascial opening...
Kocher Subcostal Incision (Theodore Kocher), Chevron (Roof …
2020年4月9日 · The Mercedes Benz Modification. This incision consists of bilateral low Kocher’s incision with an upper midline limb up to and through the xiphisternum. This gives excellent access to the upper abdominal viscera and, in particular to all the diaphragmatic hiatuses.
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