Pure water storage tanks & accessories - Storage and Accessories - Merck
Storage tanks are available in 30, 60 and 100 liter models to match the specific volume needs of your laboratory. All tanks have a small footprint and are designed for wall-mounting if required. Underbench installation is also possible for some models.
TANKPE060 Milli-Q 60 Liter Polyethylene Storage Tank - Merck
An optimal storage solution for pure (Type 2/3) water • Provides effective protection against airborne contaminants • Features aseptic overflow function. 60 Liter Polyethylene Storage Tank MSDS (material safety data sheet) or SDS, CoA and CoQ, dossiers, brochures and other available documents.
TANK50200 Milli-Q 200 L Storage Tank (230 V) - Merck
200 L Storage Tank (230 V) An optimal solution to store Type 2/3 pure water • Protects from airborne contaminants • Distribution flow rate up to 40 L/min • For use with Elix® and RiOs™ systems - Find MSDS or SDS, a COA, data sheets and more information.
100 Liter Polyethylene Storage Tank TANKPE100 - MilliporeSigma
This 100 L polyethylene (PE) storage tank maintains consistent purity of stored water and provides effective protection against airborne contaminants. The reservoir stores pure water delivered by Elix ® Essential/Essential UV/Advantage/Reference, Milli-Q ® Direct, Direct-Q ® , Direct-Q ® UV, RiOs ™ , RiOs ™ Essential, AFS ® D, and AFS ...
CHEMGUARD® Gen III Model CG350 Automated Chemical Refill ... - Merck
The CHEMGUARD ® Gen III Model CG350 Automated Chemical Refill System W/Opt. eV Heating is a dual tank liquid refill (DTLR) cabinet designed for maximum uptime and to meet the demanding needs of today’s manufacturing fabs.
Milli-Q IQ/IX Storage Tank Frame 50 L TANKA050 - MilliporeSigma
Within the tank (tank frame with tank top), pure water quality is preserved by 4 built-in features: A seamlessly integrated vent filter provides improved protection against airborne contaminants. Automatic Sanitization Module (ASM) with an integrated mercury-free ECH2O ® UVC LED lamp emitting at 265 nm, regularly irradiates stored water and ...
Delivery Systems - Merck
Our enhanced portfolio of Chemical Mechanical Planarization (CMP) solutions provides an integrated solution to our customers in the integrated circuit segment. To complement our slurries, we also offer post-CMP cleaning products and our FlowMaster ® CMP Slurry delivery system.
Merck Millipore 30-, 60-, and 100-liter polyethylene storage tanks incorporate the latest technical developments and advanced features for stored water of consistent purity. All tanks have a small footprint and are designed for wall-mounting if required. Underbench installation is also possible for some models.
Mobius ® Single-use Mixing Systems - Merck
Mobius ® single-use mixing solutions offer a complete range of mixers to meet your current and future biomanufacturing process needs. Sizes range from 10L to 3000L (Power MIX systems only above 1000L). Both Mobius ® MIX and Mobius ® Power MIX offer economic and operational efficiency, saving valuable processing and validation time.
30 L Polyethylene Storage Tank TANKPE030 - MilliporeSigma
This PE storage tank is a reliable storage solution for your laboratory grade pure water. It is designed to maintain consistent purity of stored water and provide effective protection against airborne contaminants. It is specially designed for laboratory applications compatible to specific Milli-Q® range of systems.