The Compact GLB SUV | Mercedes-Benz USA
Rugged yet refined, the GLB SUV seats up to seven. See design, performance and technology features, as well as models, pricing, photos and more.
2025 Mercedes-Benz GLB-Class Review, Pricing, and Specs - Car and Driver
The handsome, upright GLB-class is Mercedes-Benz's practical take on the subcompact luxury SUV, with ample interior room and an available third row.
GLB SUV - 梅赛德斯-奔驰中国
2.0T直列四缸发动机 - 最大输出功率提升至140千瓦,峰值扭矩可达300牛·米,动力强劲敏捷。 搭配的48V RSG电机可额外提供动力辅助,让启动更迅速、行驶更节能;每一次的驰骋,都能让您更显身手。 始终勾勒着新一代GLB SUV的硬核美感。 初见耀眼夺目,再看精致不凡。 5+2座大空间SUV - 拥有2829毫米轴距的GLB SUV,真的够大,够能装。 装得下我与伙伴们的多彩生活,更装得下我想要征服世界的野心。 灵活多变的空间 - 想带上全家去郊外烤肉、想在周末帮朋友搬个 …
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Mercedes-Benz GLB - Wikipedia
The Mercedes-Benz GLB (model code X247) is a crossover SUV produced by Mercedes-Benz. It was unveiled by the German manufacturer Daimler AG on 10 June 2019 in Park City, Utah. [4] . It was previously unveiled as a concept car to the public at …
新X1刚发布,马上跟优惠8万的GLB来个对比! 买车无忧 、 海量车源、品质保障、上门评估、轻松卖高价 、马上 高价卖车。 曾经7折,现如今30万+,奔驰新款GLB变化都有啥? 史上最严“国6b”标准即将实施,买车有影响吗? 新X1刚发布,马上跟优惠8万的GLB来个对比! 24款奔驰GLB值得买吗? 售32.19万,外观动感+豪华品质. 入门豪华SUV! 2.0T+8速变速箱, 2024款奔驰GLB落地价参考. 入门豪华SUV! 内饰设计精致, 2024款奔驰GLB落地价参考. 最高优惠14 …
GLB | Mercedes-Benz
You’ll love the design of the Mercedes-Benz GLB. From the inside, from the outside and from all sides. Exterior. Clear lines and powerful proportions lend the Mercedes-Benz GLB its striking …
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WEDM filters are used to remove contaminants and impurities from the dielectric fluid, thereby increasing its lifespan and ensuring consistent machining performance.