I found the real Mert Aksaç!! : r/nomorejockeys - Reddit
2022年12月13日 · Imagine the peril if, after all this effort and oh so many strategic NMJ plays, dear old Mert Aksaç was nothing but an IMDB typo! But no, my fellow cesspit gels, fear not! In the credits of the film 'Film' (1 hour 19 minutes in), there is certainly a Mert Aksaç credited as an actor. Curiously, he appears as the sixth actor in the actual ...
Identifying Mert Aksaç in the film 'Film' (2011) : r/nomorejockeys
2022年9月19日 · Identifying Mert Aksaç in the film 'Film' (2011) Looks like Turkish production company BSK has uploaded the 2011 film Film to YouTube . If you're a Turkish-speaker with 1 hour 22 minutes to spare (big if), can anyone tell exactly where/when old Merty boy appears?
Can anyone help identify the actor Mert Aksaç? / Oyuncu Mert …
2022年12月12日 · A brief bit of context - during a Christmas episode in 2020, the players were pleased to stumble upon a film that was titled 'Film', which happened to be the 2011 film by Kerem Topuz set in Istanbul. IMDB lists the first actor in that film as Mert Aksaç, and from that bizarre turn of events, the relatively unknown Aksaç (admittedly ...
Fall - Ne nézz le, mert lezuhansz film : r/kibeszelo_show - Reddit
2023年9月15日 · Nekem tériszonyom van, emiatt nekem végig görcsben volt a gyomrom😅 nekem tetszett, kihozták szerintem belőle, amit lehetett.
r/askhungary on Reddit: Mi az a film/sorozat, amit rajtad kívül ...
Posted by u/csokiszellem - 7 votes and 119 comments
I made a new short film in blender how could I improve on it?
2023年8月30日 · 19K subscribers in the ShortFilm community. Hello filmmakers! PLEASE POST YOUR SHORT FILMS! 48 Hour Film Projects Welcome!
Mi az a film/zene/sorozat stb. amit szeretsz de titokban tartod …
2023年8月18日 · Mi az a film/zene/sorozat stb. amit szeretsz de titokban tartod mert félsz hogy mások cikinek gondolnák? Én például imádom az euróvíziós dalfesztivált de senki nem tudja ezt az ismerősi körömben.
Screen grabs from the «Mert Çodur - Yine Bana Kal» music
2024年2月28日 · 1.6K subscribers in the dehancer community. Film emulation plugin for Davinci Resolve, Premiere Pro, After Effects, Photoshop, Lightroom Classic…
r/wiredpeople - Reddit
Burası Mert Günhan'ın yayıncısı olduğu Wired topluluğudur. Post atarken toplulukta dolaşan şaka ve mizahlara paralellikte içerik atmaya özen gösterin. Her şey ekseriyetle Mertin bulunduğu içerik olmak zorunda değil ancak izleyenlerin "bu neydi şimdi" …
Pár hónapja undorító a cinema cityben a nachos, valaki ... - Reddit
2022年3月26日 · Posted by u/InsertDisc11 - 5 votes and 53 comments