计算机图形学九:隐式曲面(代数形式,CSG, 距离函数,分型几何)与显 …
3.2 多边形网格(Polygon Mesh) 对于多边形网格来说相信读者并不陌生,该方法广泛应用在计算机图形当中,简单来说通过定义各个多边形面的顶点以及顶点之间的连接关系就可以得到许许多 …
Constructive solid geometry - Wikipedia
Constructive solid geometry (CSG; formerly called computational binary solid geometry) is a technique used in solid modeling. Constructive solid geometry allows a modeler to create a …
图形学笔记(九)几何 ——几何表示方法(CSG、距离函数、水平 …
2021年11月20日 · 构造实体几何 (csg) 是一种建模技术,它使用并集和交集等布尔运算来组合 3d 实体。 该库使用 BSP 树优雅而简洁地在 网格 上实现 CSG 操作,旨在作为 算法 的易于理解 …
CSG · BrunoLevy/geogram Wiki - GitHub
2024年6月15日 · Geogram's CSG subsystem is implemented in geogram/mesh/mesh_CSG.h. The main class is the CSGBuilder. It applies boolean operations to a set of meshes, with an …
Unity CSG 布尔运算插件 - 模型打孔与打洞工具 - CSDN博客
2024年9月5日 · Unity CSG(Constructive Solid Geometry)布尔运算插件是用于在Unity引擎中进行建模和几何计算的工具。CSG是一种由二维或三维几何对象(称为原型)通过一系列基础几 …
Exact predicates, exact constructions and combinatorics for mesh CSG
2024年5月21日 · This article introduces a general mesh intersection algorithm that exactly computes the so-called Weiler model and that uses it to implement boolean operations with …
Prototyping levels with CSG — Godot Engine (stable) …
CSG stands for Constructive Solid Geometry, and is a tool to combine basic shapes or custom meshes to create more complex shapes. In 3D modeling software, CSG is mostly known as …
algorithm - Constructive solid geometry mesh - Stack Overflow
2015年4月20日 · From what I can tell of the abstracts, the basic idea is to generate a point cloud from the volumetric data available in the CSG model, and then use some more common …
GPU Mesh CSG | jkunstwald
2024年7月14日 · Avoiding the deep dive here, meshes - “boundary representations” in CSG terms - have defects so plentiful, easy to run into, and hard to detect or work around, that most …
GitHub - PSneijder/CSG.Sharp: Constructive solid geometry on …
Constructive Solid Geometry (CSG) is a modeling technique that uses Boolean operations like union and intersection to combine 3D solids. This library implements CSG operations on …
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