HumanBrainProject/MeshView-for-Brain-Atlases - GitHub
MeshView is a web application for real-time 3D display of surface mesh data representing structural parcellations from volumetric atlases, such as the Waxholm Space Atlas of the Sprague Dawley Rat Brain.
NITRC: MeshView for brain atlases: Tool/Resource Info
MeshView (please visit MediaWiki page for links) is a web application for real-time 3D display of surface mesh data representing structural parcellations from volumetric atlases, such as the Waxholm Space Atlas of the Sprague Dawley Rat Brain. A converter will be provided for importing STL meshes, like the ones generated by MeshGen.
MeshView for Brain Atlases v0.8h
Performance of mesh cut really benefits from a discrete graphics card. Coordinate listing. Block header:
Introduction — MeshView documentation - Read the Docs
MeshView is a web application for real-time 3D display of surface mesh data representing structural parcellations from volumetric atlases, such as the Waxholm Space Atlas of the Sprague Dawley Rat Brain. Key features: orbiting view with toggleable opaque/transparent/hidden parcellation meshes
MeshView - Tools - EBRAINS
MeshView is a web application for real-time 3D display of surface mesh data representing structural parcellations from volumetric atlases, such as the Waxholm Space Atlas of the Sprague Dawley Rat Brain.
MeshView 使用指南 - CSDN博客
2024年9月1日 · MeshView 是一个用于实时三维展示结构分区表面网格数据的Web应用程序。 它特别适用于如 Sprague Dawley 大鼠大脑的Waxholm Space Atlas这类体积性解剖图谱。 通过提供交互式的视图控制,用户能够查看大脑区域的精细划分,同时支持点云显示,并且兼容QuickNII坐标 …
MeshView: — MeshView documentation - Read the Docs
MeshView documentation. Introduction; Installation requirements; Contact us; Related publications; Operations. 1. Basic usage description; 2. Cut controls; 3. Displaying point …
MeshView-for-Brain-Atlases/Docs/Introduction.rst at master ...
MeshView is a web application for real-time 3D display of surface mesh data representing structural parcellations from volumetric atlases, such as the Waxholm Space Atlas of the Sprague Dawley Rat Brain. Key features: orbiting view with toggleable opaque/transparent/hidden parcellation meshes
MeshView 项目使用教程 - CSDN博客
2024年9月1日 · meshview.go: 项目的主要功能实现文件。 meshview_test.go: 项目的测试文件。 vendor/: 依赖库目录。 web/: 前端资源目录,包含 HTML、CSS 和 JavaScript 文件。 2. 项目的启动文件介绍. 项目的启动文件是 main.go,该文件负责初始化并启动整个应用程序。以下是 main.go …
推荐文章: Meshview——高效Go语言编写的3D网格查看器-CSDN …
Meshview,正如其名,专为快速、高效地查看3D模型而生。 这款开源工具利用Go语言的强大功能,轻松处理STL格式文件,为你提供即时的3D预览体验。 简单的一行命令,即可开启通往三维世界的窗口,无论是开发验证还是设计审查,Meshview都是得力助手。