MESKO S.A. - Polish producer of amunition and rockets
MESKO is the producer of world-class military products. The core range of MESKO’s activities covers production for the national defence and security purposes.
Mesko - Wikipedia
MESKO is a Polish defense technology company established in 1922, operating from August 25, 1924 as Państwowa Fabryka Amunicji (National Ammunition Factory), then Zakłady Metalowe MESKO SA (Metal Factory MESKO SA). At present the company produces various munitions with headquarters in Skarżysko-Kamienna, Poland.
MESKO S.A. - Polski producent amunicji i rakiet
MESKO S.A. jest producentem światowej klasy wyrobów branży zbrojeniowej. Podstawowy zakres działania obejmuje produkcję na potrzeby obronności i bezpieczeństwa państwa.
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About us - MESKO
MESKO is the producer of world-class military products with 100 years of manufacturing experience. The core range of MESKO’s activities covers production for the national defence and security purposes. Our products are used by Polish Armed Forces and entities responsible for national security.
Mesko – Wikipedia, wolna encyklopedia
Mesko – przedsiębiorstwo powołane w 1922 r., a działające od 25 sierpnia 1924 r. początkowo jako Państwowa Fabryka Amunicji następnie Zakłady Metalowe MESKO SA. Obecnie przedsiębiorstwo produkuje broń i amunicję z siedzibą w Skarżysku-Kamiennej .
MESKO S.A. - LinkedIn
World-class producer of ammunition and missiles | MESKO’s main task is to supply with an increasingly modern and high quality ammunition and rockets the Polish Armed Forces and other bodies ...
3,000 Piorun MANPADS Delivered. Record Levels of Profit for Mesko
2025年2月13日 · Mesko S.A., a company belonging to the Polish Armaments Group, has delivered 3,000 Piorun Portable Anti-Aircraft Missile Systems. This weapon is widely used by the Polish Army, has seen combat use in Ukraine, and is also exported.
Mesko - Overview, News & Similar companies | ZoomInfo.com
Mesko contact info: Phone number: +48 412533000 Website: www.mesko.com.pl What does Mesko do? Mesko S.A. is the largest producer of ammunition, anti-tank and anti-aircraft missiles in Poland. The company produces small-caliber, medium-caliber, tank and artillery munitions, Grom, Piorun and Spike missile sets, and Feniks and NLPR 70 missiles....
Atlantic Firearms,llc - AtlanticFirearms.com
Mesko, Poland's leading Military ammunition manufacturer with its headquarters in Skarzysko - Kamienna has started to operate in 1924. Initially as National Ammunition Factory the factory produced supplies for the Polish military & Police forces.