Messier 13 - Wikipedia
Messier 13, or M13 (also designated NGC 6205 and sometimes called the Great Globular Cluster in Hercules, the Hercules Globular Cluster, or the Great Hercules Cluster), is a globular cluster of several hundred thousand stars in the constellation of Hercules.
梅西耶13(梅西耶m13、m13),也称为ngc 6205,有时就直接称为武仙座球状星团或武仙座星团,是位于武仙座,拥有大约300,000颗恒星的球状星团。 在清晰的夜空勉强可以肉眼看见。
Messier 13 (The Hercules Cluster) - Science@NASA
2024年9月12日 · Located 25,000 light-years from Earth with an apparent magnitude of 5.8, this glittering metropolis of stars in the constellation Hercules can be spotted with a pair of binoculars most easily in July. The English astronomer Edmond Halley, best known for recognizing the periodicity of the comet that bears his name, discovered M13 in 1714.
梅西耶13 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
梅西耶13 (M13),也稱為 NGC 6205,有時就直接稱為 武仙座球狀星團 或 武仙座星團,是位於 武仙座,擁有大約300,000顆恆星的 球狀星團。 M13是 愛德蒙·哈雷 在1714年發現的, 查爾斯·梅西耶 在1764年6月1日將它編入目錄中。 它的位置在 赤經 16 h 41.7 m 和 赤緯 +36° 28', 視星等 5.8等。 在天氣非常晴朗的夜晚,他幾乎可以用 裸眼 直接看到。 它的直徑大約23弧分,使用任何的小型天文望遠鏡都能看見。 臨近它的附近,在東北方28弧分有一個12等的 NGC 6207,這 …
Messier 13: Hercules Globular Cluster
2015年3月31日 · Messier 13 (M13), also known as the Great Globular Cluster in Hercules, is a globular cluster located in Hercules constellation. It is one of the brightest and best known globular clusters in the northern sky. The cluster has an apparent magnitude of 5.8 and lies at a distance of 22,200 light years, or 6,800 parsecs, from Earth.
M13 - The Great Globular Cluster in Hercules | Astrophotography
The Great Globular Cluster in Hercules known as M13 is often described as the finest globular cluster in the Northern Hemisphere. Cataloged as Messier 13 or NGC 6205, this impressive star cluster in Hercules is a superb choice for deep sky astrophotography using a telescope.
Meet M13, the Great Cluster in Hercules - EarthSky
2022年4月20日 · The Great Cluster in the constellation Hercules – also known as Messier 13, or M13 – is the finest globular cluster in the northern half of the heavens.
The crowded heart of the Hercules globular cluster | ESA/Hubble
2010年7月5日 · This image, taken by the Advanced Camera for Surveys on the Hubble Space Telescope, shows the core of the great globular cluster Messier 13 and provides an extraordinarily clear view of the hundreds of thousands of stars in the cluster, one of the brightest and best known in the sky.
Messier 13 (M13) - The Great Hercules Cluster - Universe Today
This brilliant cluster was discovered by Halley in 1714; and fifty years afterwards it was examined by M. Messier, with his 4-foot Newtonian, under a power of 60, and described as round,...
Messier 13 - M13 - Great Hercules Globular - AstroPixels
Messier 13 or M13 (also designated NGC 6205) is a globular cluster in the constellation Hercules. It has an apparent visual magnitude of 5.8 and its angular diameter is 16.6 arc-minutes. M13 lies at an estimated distance of 25,100 light years.
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