The Best temperature to get the most out of METH. Melting, …
2008年1月24日 · So I wonder, if once at around 172-210 C it is vaping it just starts degradation at a higher amount every added degree. So theoretically the best possible way to vape meth to get the most out of it is..... Melt the meth in the bubble and twist it so that a line re-crystallizes from one side near the hole all the way to the other side near the hole.
Stimulants - Vaping meth without the bulb pipe. | Bluelight.org
2021年2月23日 · This is easy to pour the powderized meth from onto whatever you're dabbing with. Note: do not use too much heat as meth will spontaneously combust at high enough temperature. You also have to time it perfectly so that it doesn't burn but that you don't start breathing in too soon, which runs the risk of pulling powdered meth into bong water…
Vaporizing - How to use a vaporizer to smoke meth! - Drugs-Forum
2015年12月27日 · when you have about a 50:50 ratio of meth to e-juice let it sit, if it doesn't crack back, and this is key, if it does not crack back your ready to load it in to your vape. If it does form crystals, melt it again and add more e-juice.
Stimulants Meth - Which Vaporizer, Atomizer and Method?
2021年9月20日 · I would like to get myself a nice stealthy vaporizer to smoke meth with. Unfortunately I could not find a definite answer. Some users recommend to use a vape with a quarz (wax) atomizer and just drop the shards in there. Others recommend juice vapes and dissolving the meth in glycerin in different ways.
Vaporizing - How can i add my meth to my vape pen? - Drugs …
2013年10月16日 · When you have it in your vape, just watch it periodily for crystals starting to form, if so, vape some until your mixture is back to liquid, or pour it out and melt it down adding more e-juice to the mix. but it should be fine if your like me and you vape continuously throughout the day. because its meth, it usually will be smoked, but i lost ...
Stimulants - Tips for properly vaporizing meth | Bluelight.org
2011年3月5日 · Although some vapes can be used to vape meth though many say it wastes product. But please don’t start with meth. Some can handle it. Many can’t. If I had my time over again I’d take a pass on it and stick with other amps. Almost any other amp but meth.
Vaping stimulants (meth in this case) general ... - Bluelight.org
2022年7月12日 · Set your vape to 30W or lower (any higher and you waste ur product), temp control to 410 Farenheight/210 Celsius Take 4-6 second drags, direct lung Wait 30 seconds before next pull to avoid burning your wick - meth is hotter than nicotine when it vaporises!!!
Using meth in your vape pen! | Bluelight.org
2015年11月12日 · Let it wick for a few minutes then started vaping it. It works fabulously. It's discreet, it tastes good, and doesn't leave an odor. Surely these are variables depending how much amphetamines you add to how much liquid. Non the less, my experiment was succcesful for sure. Highly recommend it if you have a vape pen. You get nicotine at the same ...
Vaping Methamphetamine - Bluelight.org
2018年3月12日 · Need some basic advice on what esig, epen, vape or simmluair product that might possiably work for vaping meth. I've read in the past online that it has worked for some people. Seen lotta threads with recipes for mixing juices for it but dunno what products aka the pen or what vape to buy so it would work.
Smoking meth with a dry herb vape pen - Drugs-Forum
2018年3月30日 · If you really wanna use a vape pen to smoke meth best way I have found was using a vape mod. Either a sub-Ohm tank or RDA is best. For the tank just fill half way with your vape juice then take your meth & crush it into fine powder & mix. For dosage you have to kinda experiment I used to put about 0.3grams of meth per 2.5ml of vape juice for a ...