5 Important Methods Used For Studying Comparative Education
In the various methods of the study of comparative education the following are noteworthy Quantitative, Descriptive, Sociological, Historical, Analytical and Synthetic. 1. The Quantitative of Statistical Method: The study of comparative education we analyse the similarities and factors inherent in the education systems of various countries.
Full article: Comparative education concepts, methods and …
2023年6月8日 · It shows comparative education concepts, methods and practices becoming socially embedded through spaces, places and taken-for-granted meanings, and offers a way of understanding ‘how we think and why we seem obliged to think in …
Methods of comparative edu - Unit 1: CONCEPTUAL FRAMEWORK OF ... - Studocu
He hired the ideas of John Dewey based on the five steps of reflective or critical thinking applied to the study of comparative education to solve educational problems. The stages are; i) Problem Identification ii) Problem Analysis iii) Proposed problem solutions iv) Specification of the context - this involves looking at the factors, and ...
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Exposing the learners to approaches to the study of Comparative Education will afford them the opportunity to know the various methods which can be used to study the discipline.
Comparative Education Research: Approaches and Methods
No other book has focused as systematically on comparative education research methods; This book considers issues and challenges associated with research involving many different units of comparison: place, systems, time, cultures, etc
The methods used by comparative educators to gather evidence are similar to those found in all social science fields. In terms of data collection, there appears to be no unique comparative education data collection method. Com-parative education specialists use all four of the social scienceresearchmethods
In this Unit, we will examine the meaning, scope and possible methods of studying this subject called Comparative Education. explain why a student teacher should study Comparative Education. All human beings make comparisons either in silence or aloud. While adults may compare in silence, young children usually compare aloud.
Comparative Education Research: Approaches and Methods
2007年1月1日 · Approaches and methods in comparative education research are of obvious importance, but do not always receive adequate attention. This book contributes new insights within the longstanding...
5 Important Methods Used For Studying Comparative Education
This document outlines 5 important methods used for studying comparative education: quantitative/statistical, descriptive, sociological, historical, and analytical. The quantitative method involves collecting and analyzing educational data like …
2006年1月4日 · considerations of method in comparative studies in education. The comparison of the educational systems of several countries lends itself to a variety of methods of treatment, depending somewhat on its purpose.[1]