Methylated Spirits vs White Spirit for preheating
2018年2月16日 · I've tried searching the forums for this but am obviously not looking properly so sorry if this has been asked 100 times already, but is white spirit (paint thinner / cleaner) OK to use for pre-heating in the spirit cup? I notice it's much cheaper than methylated spirits and doesn't leave a purple stain. Also, I have a lot more white spirit in ...
Dutton's finest methylated spirits (and Sikh Oil)
2009年8月25日 · The label relates to Methylated Spirits as does the Dutton's one, so it suggests that someone had a favourite 'Sikh Oil' tin that they had refilled at a couple of retailers of spirits - both within the same geographical area - Wirral/Chester. On the label is a reference to a contemporary Sunday Trading law which states, on the label,
Methylated Spirits Bottle - prob 1950s/1960s - Classic Camp Stoves
2005年8月9日 · A methylated spirits bottle supplied by Boots Company, Nottingham, England (UK) I don't know the date of this bottle but it looks to be from the 1950s or 1960s - unless someone has a better idea. The cork is new. The bottle holds about 200ml.
United Kingdom available fuel for use in Alcohol Stoves
2006年3月14日 · Sunnyside, True Value, and methylated spirits from UK, and Australia) have proven to contain undesirable organic compound residues that cause flaring and inconsistent flame patterns. Pure ethanol (i.e. 200 proof grain alcohol sold in liquor stores and pharmacy supplies (very expensive!) also works very well.
Ethanol v Methanol | Classic Camp Stoves
2015年7月13日 · Methylated spirits and ethanol are the same thing. The name "methylated spirits" just indicates that there are additives in it to prevent you from drinking it. But i expect your ethanol contains similar additives ( i don't think you'd use a good scotch for such a purpose ). Methanol is an entirely different chemical. greets Simon
Methylated Spirit - Classic Camp Stoves
2005年8月22日 · Methylated spirit, meths, methos, spiritus, denatured alcohol, shellac thinner, alcohol fuel, marine alcohol fuel. Alla samo-samo as far as use as fuel is concerned. There are about about 150 chemicals used to denature ethanol. That is, make it undrinkable. Some are so toxic that eight ounces will denature a ten thousand gallon tank car full.
I use meths but....... | Classic Camp Stoves
2009年2月2日 · I was going to pick a couple of bottles up at my local DIY store but noticed 2 litres of white spirit was only £3.50 + buy 2 get 3rd one free. So I was just wondering if you could use white spirit instead of methylated spirit for pre heating. I was not going to use white spirit or methylated spirits to run either my lanterns, lamps or stoves.
Isopropyl or methanol alcohol? - Classic Camp Stoves
2006年4月28日 · be more easily ignited and would produce somewhat more heat (potentially 15-20% more heat), but that presumes that the methylated (principally ethanol) spirit you were comparing pure methanol to didn't also contain acetone as well as methanol
What is the burn temperature of spirit? | Classic Camp Stoves
2011年7月29日 · It should be recharged with spirits :-) Also a winter attachment for my Trangias. pbekkerh, Mar 22, ...
Shackleton's Forgotten Men | Classic Camp Stoves
2018年2月5日 · Of course, there were plenty of references to the Primus stoves, prickers, methylated spirits and kerosene upon which their lives depended. I usually appreciate the practicality of the Trangia 25 set while canoeing, however this time I really regretted leaving behind my Optimus 00! Tim