Metor® 28e - Rapiscan Systems
Metor 28e is a unique hand-held metal detector with enhanced capabilities, detecting objects made of all metal, both ferrous and non-ferrous. Fully digital design guarantees consistent calibration-free operation and provides versatile programmable functionalities.
Hand-held metal detectors are an integral part of the physical security screening process. With the Metor 28e, we have designed a unit that benefits security personnel as well as the person being scanned. Our unique angled design allows you to thoroughly scan an individual, while keeping your hand away from their body.
Metor 28e is a unique hand-held metal detector with enhanced capabilities, detecting objects made of all metal, both ferrous and non-ferrous. Hand-held metal detectors are an integral part of the physical security screening process. With the Metor 28e, we have designed a unit that benefits security personnel as well as the person being scanned.
Metor 28E手持式金属探测器_前端圆环状_检测面积大
Metor 28E手持式金属探测器,具有设计小巧,灵敏度高,携带方便的特点,广泛应用于机场和港口、公共建筑、博物馆和文化中心、地铁等场合。 产品特点
metor 28 hand-held metal detectors are an integral part of the physical security screening process. with the metor 28, we have designed a unit that benefits security personnel as well as the person being scanned. our unique angled design allows you to thoroughly scan an individual, while keeping your hand away from their body. hand-held metal
Metor® 28e - ITI Installation Technologies Curacao
Metor 28e is a unique hand-held metal detector with enhanced capabilities, detecting objects made of all metal, both ferrous and non-ferrous. Hand-held metal detectors are an integral part of the physical security screening process. With the Metor 28e, we have designed a unit that benefits security personnel as well as the person being scanned.
METOR® 28E - RAPISCAN SYSTEMS LTD - 便携式 / 机场 / 人员
Metor 28e 是一款独特的手持式金属探测器,具有更强的功能,可探测所有金属制造的物体,包括黑色和有色金属。 可探测所有金属类型 无需校准 声音和振动警报 PACEMAKER 安全 数字可调灵敏度级别 电池寿命长,USB 充电快 可锁定设置 轻便设计 微控制器技术 全数字设计保证了稳定的免校准操作,并提供了多种可编程功能。 灵敏度 可编程灵敏度级别: 1 级:小型手枪和刀具 第 2 级:剃须刀片、手铐钥匙 第 3 级:22 口径子弹、金属柄 警报指示模式 声音-视觉和振动-无声 …
Rapiscan METOR 28e Handheld metal detector - LAURUS Systems
Hand-held metal detectors are an integral part of the physical security screening process. With the Rapiscan METOR 28e, we have designed a unit that benefits security personnel as well as the person being scanned. Our unique angled design allows you to thoroughly scan an individual, while keeping your hand away from their body.
Metor 28E手持式金属探测器 (进口手探)-Rapiscan-弘德商城-弘德 …
Metor 28E手持金属探测器,具有设计小巧,灵敏度高,携带方便的特点,广泛应用于机场和港口、公共建筑、博物馆和文化中心、地铁等场合。 产品特点 • 灵敏度三档可调,可探测所有磁性/非磁性金属
METOR 28E | Non-Intrusive Inspection Technology | Rapiscan
Discover Metor 28E, a cutting-edge Non-Intrusive Inspection system providing exceptional threat detection for enhanced security in airports and critical infrastructure.