Metor® 6E | High-Security Metal Detector - Rapiscan Systems
Metor ® 6E is a state-of- the-art walk-through metal detector developed for the most demanding high profile security screening applications. Developed using the latest technology to meet the …
Metor 6E is a state-of-the-art walk-through metal detector developed for the most demanding high profile security screening applications. The unit has been developed using the latest …
Metor 6E | Max C. Meister AG
Metor ® 6E is a state-of- the-art walk-through metal detector developed for the most demanding high profile security screening applications. civil aviation authorities. Metor ® 6E can be …
Metor 6E Metal Detectors - Environmental XPRT
Metor 6E is a state-of-the-art walk-through metal detector developed for the most demanding high profile security screening applications. The unit has been developed using the latest …
Metor 6E,金屬探測門(安檢門) - everrist.com.tw
Metor 6E是一款先進的金屬探測門(安檢門),專為要求最苛刻的高安全性篩選應用而開發。該裝置採用最新技術開發,符合國際民航當局製定的最嚴格要求。
Metor® 6E使用独特的多通道技术与强大的处理能力相结合。 这可以快速收集同时通过的多个金属物品的信息,并根据物品的特性准确地解决威胁。 Metor® 6E能够达到每分钟超过50人的通过 …
Metor 6E is a state-of- the-art walk-through metal detector developed for the most demanding high profile security screening applications. Developed using the latest technology to meet the …
Airport walk-through detector METOR® 6E - AeroExpo
The Metor® 6E uses a unique multi-channel technology combined with powerful processing capacity. This allows for fast collection of information from multiple metal items passing …
OSI Systems Rapiscan Metor 6E Installation Quick Manual
View and Download OSI Systems Rapiscan Metor 6E installation quick manual online. Rapiscan Metor 6E medical equipment pdf manual download.
Rapiscan Metor 6E高通过率金属探测安检门_Metor安检门价格
2022年1月9日 · 美国原装进口Rapiscan Metor 6E高通过率金属探测安检门,可根据客户需求快速设置,提高通过率、及安全检查工作效率。 技术数据 通道尺寸 760 x 2050 x 700毫米(宽x …