Metra - Heritage Units
Metra : METX104 ( City of Chicago ) - F40PH-3. Report Log Premium membership required to view all 839 reports on this locomotive. Report Frequency for last 12 months Movement History. Premium membership required . Latest Photos Click here to view more photos ...
Pictures of METX 104
Metra F40PH-3 rebuilt engine 104 leading MD-W 2223, and Cab Car 8538 towards Elgin, and Big Timber Road. North Central Service Train 111 rolls through the station on its way to Antioch with F40PH-3 104, the "City of Chicago", on the point.
Metra 104 (City of Chicago paint) leads outbound HC train ... - YouTube
Outbound Metra, Old Joliet Union Station METX 104 (F40PH-3 City of Chicago) METX 8401 (Amerail Cabcar) ? UP Joliet Subdivision Recorded with iPhone 11 Pro Max on March 7, 2023. Just after 202...
METX - METRA Locomotive Roster - Railroad Picture Archives.NET
METRA Photographic Roster : Reporting Marks: METX : Click on a locomotive to view pictures: Roster Options: Group by model; ... METX 104: City of Chicago, ex RTA. F40PH-3 766062-5: 28: 213745: METX 104: City of Chicago, ex RTA. F40PH 766062-5: 34: 42299: METX 105: James Kemp formerly Cook County:
Heritage Units
2024年7月13日 · Caught metra 104 leading WB train into Elmhurst. Location. Elmhurst, IL. Author. Views. 254. Report this image. Please provide a detailed description. SubmitCancel. …
Metra 104 | Metra 104 the City of Chicago unit in the yard a
2024年8月6日 · Metra 104 the City of Chicago unit in the yard at Waukegan, IL. with the Waukegan hotel in the background.
- 查看次数: 194
Metra F40PH #104 - TrainWeb
Metra F40PH #104. City of Chicago. LaSalle St. Station Chicago, Illinois 12/24/98 Rock Island District
F40PH Metra #104 “City of Chicago” - KATO USA
In 2022 F40PH #104 was added to the roster of special Metra engines when it received a one-of-a-kind “City of Chicago” livery. The shades of blue with red stars are a direct reference to the Chicago city flag, while the skyline silhouette below the cab windows pay homage to the area that Metra is proud to serve and call home.
Pictures of METX 104
Metra F40PH-3 No. 104 leads an outbound train through the Grand/Cicero station in the Chicago Suburbs. West at 1735. 2113 peels off the C&M at 1143.
Chicago Metra F40PH #104 "City of Chicago" (DC Version)
In 2022, F40PH #104 was added to the roster of special Metra engines when it received a one-of-a-kind “City of Chicago” livery. The shades of blue with red stars are a direct reference to the Chicago city flag, while the skyline silhouette below the cab windows pay homage to the area that Metra is proud to serve and call home.