MFJ 935B Small High-Efficiency Loop Tuners™ MFJ-935B - DX …
MFJ 935B tuners are perfect for apartments, hotel/motel rooms, antenna-restricted areas, and portable locations! You can take one with you and have it up and operating in minutes from nearly anywhere when camping, on vacation, DXpeditons, or even from a motor home.
Reviews For: MFJ-935B - eHam.net
Bandwidth is about 8 KHz which allows a single setting to function on FT8 and JS8Call. The other tuner tunes another 5' by 7' loop of 1/2" soft copper on 40M JS8. Both tuners share a common feedline. The base of the loops are perhaps 30" above earth. The 933's are stable over temperature and humidity, very little drift in resonance.
MFJ-935C, High Efficiency Magnetic Loop Tuner/Antenna Current …
Turn wire or coax into a small, high-efficiency multi-band transmitting magnetic loop antenna! Work the world from 3.5 to 30 MHz using a full 150 Watts on sideband, CW, and digital. No ground, radials, or counterpoise needed.
哈罗CQ火腿社区 - 天线和铁塔 - MFJ-935b 1/4波长高效小环天线
2013年11月16日 · 其实国外最流行,业界公认效率最高,安装最快捷“小型环形天线“(small loop),是美国MFJ-935系列---------1/4波长的环形天线调谐器 (loop tuner)。 它最适合在公寓室内、窗口、阳台或者户外使用。 安装最佳高度为环天线直径的一半以上。 这里简单介绍一下MFJ-935B小型环状天线调谐器. 调谐器重量:3.10磅。 数量:单独售出。 悬垂导线围城一个柜形、菱形或者圆形,天线两端连接MFJ 935B-小型高效率的小环天线调谐器™和它瞬间变成小型化,高 …
MFJ-58B, PVC CROSS LOOP KIT, 30/40M, FOR MFJ-933/935B/936B
The MFJ-58B PVC Cross Loop Antenna Kit, $49.95, includes a PVC Cross Mount that plugs into the top of the Loop Tuner for individually mounting three separate 10-gauge wires (13, 7, and 4 ft in length).
MFJ-935B Loop Tuner - TheHamShop.com
Drape a wire around a bookcase or window and attach both ends to this new MFJ Small Loop Tuner™. It instantly turns into a small, high efficiency multi-band transmitting loop antenna! You can operate 5.3 to 30 MHz with a full 150 Watts. No ground, radials or counterpoises needed.
MFJ-935B Manual antenna tuner for Loop-Antennas 3,5 …
Ideal tuner for experiments with magnetic loop antennas. Simply wind a wire around a frame or hang it between two trees and connect both ends to the MFJ-935B antenna tuner - and you have an efficient Magnetic Loop! The MFJ-935B uses a large butterfly capacitor to …
MFJ-935B Manual : Free Download, Borrow, and Streaming : …
2022年9月4日 · MFJ-935B Manual. Collection MFJlibrary; additional_collections; dlarc; americana; dlarc-manuals-catalogs Language English Item Size 10.7M . MFJ-935B Manual Addeddate 2022-09-04 02:57:49 Identifier MFJ_MFJ-935B Identifier-ark ark:/13960/s2m0fb8v612 Ocr tesseract 5.2.0-1-gc42a ...
Using the MFJ-935B Loop Tuner TM can, and in fact does, produce LETHAL voltages and HIGH CURRENTS during normal operation. The Hi-Q circuit produced by resonating the wire loop connected to the tuner, and matching it to the 50-Ohm coax supplying power creates this unique operating environment.
Reviews For: MFJ-935B - eHam.net
The best thing about the MFJ 935B is it's quieter than most antennas as you probably already know. Here's the downsides: Whatever loop diameter you are using may tune one or two bands within it's range but not the third so you need to change the location of the tuner making tuneup unpredictable. My 12 foot long 10 guage loop tunes 30M but not 20M.