MFJ closing down manufacturing facilities effective May 17th 2024
2024年4月25日 · MFJ intends to continue to service and warranty these product lines for the foreseeable future. GigaParts customers may bring their warranty claims to either MFJ or GigaParts . Love them or hate them, after 52 years of business, MFJ has been an iconic part of the ham radio industry and brought several innovative products to market including ...
MFJ-1868 - Discone Antenna for Broadband SDR receivers
2018年2月8日 · The MFJ-1868 is a low-cost ultra-wide-band discone antenna, with a receive (RX) range of 25-1300 MHz and it can be used to transmit (TX) from 50-1300 MHz. It can handle up to 200 Watts SSB. Ideal for 6/2/11 Meters, 70/33/23 CM ham bands. Excellent for testing various transmitters or to be used with any wide band SDR receiver.
MFJ-904H Review - Compact Antenna Tuner, up to 150W from 80 …
2017年10月15日 · This is the review of a tiny tuner, the MFJ-904H, it can handles up to 150 Watts, not 300W as mention in the video at 0:40, sorry for the confusion, the meter goes to 300 W. It covers 80-10 Meters, has tuner bypass switch and can tune nearly anything! Good for the shack and portable operation!
MFJ-1835H Cobweb antenna review (high power version 1.5kW)
2017年6月20日 · This video includes the unboxing, assembly, testing and review of the Cobweb MFJ-1835H antenna (H for the 1.5kW high power version). Too bad the condition of the bands were not good that day, I will make another video when …
MFJ-1234 - RigPi Station Server Review - QRZ Forums
2019年12月10日 · The MFJ-1234 is a station server that include the RigPi software package. This allows you to remotely control your amateur radio station via any web browser on any platform (iPhone IOS, Android, PC, etc.).
MFJ Telescopic Dipole for 20m thru 70cm ! | QRZ Forums
2022年2月28日 · Here I am setting up and testing the MFJ-347 and MFJ-1979 dipole combo. K9KMV, Feb 28, 2022 #1.
2022年5月13日 · Have used the MFJ 813 QRP SWR/Wattmeter for several years. Works fine. The sensitivity control is very, very handy for using with different transmitters at different QRP or Low Watts. I calculate the power then set the sense and mark the dial. With the HeathKit HW-8 at 1 Watt, I adjust sensitivity to aprox. 2 o'clock. .
MFJ closing down manufacturing facilities effective May 17th 2024
2024年4月25日 · Getting back to MFJ, one of the side-effects of Covid-19 was that workers became more empowered, realizing how much they were actually worth. Many restaurants and small businesses are actually starting to pay workers a living wage and/or offering other perks such as medical insurance so they can retain them.
MFJ closing down manufacturing facilities effective May 17th 2024
2024年4月25日 · Steven Pan was with MFJ from the day it started until he left a few years ago. Pan was the president and the linchpin of MFJ. If there was one single driving force behind MFJs positive parts, it was Pan. He was the glue that held it together. Pan is helping Gigaparts since he left MFJ. They have a pot of gold with him.
2022年10月6日 · In order to celebrate the 50th Anniversary of MFJ Enterprises Inc, we invite all of you to join our amazing quiz. Ing. Martin F. Jue is the businessman behind the MFJ brand, but his middle name has always been a secret! Join this quiz and try to guess it and you may win a 100 USD gift card. The quiz will end on December 31st!