Money Follows the Person | DSHS
Money Follows the Person Tribal Initiative (MFPTI) is a part of the larger Centers for Medicare and Medicaid funded Money Follows the Person Rebalancing Demonstration. The initiative's goals are to: Identify American Indians/Alaska Natives (AI/AN) who are living in institutions and assist them to return to their community of choice.
Money Follows the Person | Medicaid
MFP has played a key role in many states’ long-term services and supports (LTSS) rebalancing efforts under the Medicaid program providing flexible funding opportunities to help states develop and test the necessary processes, tools, and infrastructure to advance LTSS system reform and to support successful transitions from institutional to commu...
MFPTI Capacity Building (March 2017 – December 31, 2017) Objective 1: By December 31, 2017, establish MFPTI program infrastructure needed to support the development phase of MFPTI. Strategy 1.1*: Identify, contract with and provide training to a tribal member in each participating tribal nation to serve as MFPTI tribal coordinator.
MFPTI assessments have occurred for each tribal nation and include: disability rates, age demographics, current health service delivery capacity, unique tribal history, unique tribal descriptors, and term services and (L TSS) policies. Currently, none Of the tribal nations Within North Dakota own or operate a term care institution.
What is the MFPTI? •Available in 5 states •Help Tribes provide home and community-based services, move their tribal members back into their communities.
Melissa Reardon | Public Health | NDSU
2024年7月16日 · Melissa Reardon joined the NDSU Department of Public Health in 2014 and is the Money Follows the Person Tribal Initiative (MFPTI) Project Manager. The goal of MFPTI is to support tribal elders and tribal members who have disabilities by establishing sustainable, culturally appropriate, long-term services and supports in tribal communities.
美国-机械故障预防技术学会MFPT - CSDN博客
2022年1月30日 · ★提供 相关分析 数据的M文件,可能这个文件比较老,代码调试 存在问题,现在 matlab 官网有比较好的分析教程,具体如下: https://ww2.mathworks.cn/help/predmaint/ ug …
MFP Tribal Initiative States in blue. Homogenizing Tribal communities, the belief that all Tribal nations are the same. 1. Tribal members often receive limited access to services because income is considered in needs-based programs like Medicaid. 2.
美国-机械故障预防技术学会MFPT数据集介绍 - gitcode.com
本文档旨在详细介绍由美国机械故障预防技术学会 (MFPT)提供的轴承故障预防技术数据集。 此数据集对于从事机械故障诊断、大数据分析及机器学习在故障检测中的应用的研究人员极具价值。 数据集涵盖了多种轴承状态,包括正常运行状态以及内外圈的不同故障情况,适用于滚动元素轴承的故障特征分析。 正常数据:3个案例,负载270磅,输入轴转速25Hz,采样率97656Hz,持续6秒。 3个案例:与正常数据相同条件。 7个案例:负载变化(25-300磅),转速25Hz,采样 …
Money Follows the Person Grant - Health and Human Services …
Details about services for Medicaid eligible individuals who may choose to participate in the MFP program that can help them transition from a qualifying institution to community living. For more information about North Dakota's Money Follows the …
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